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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - passive
passive < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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passive: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 13:49 Sa 30.08.2008
Autor: chiqa

Also, ich habe hier 9 Sätze, die ich ins passiv umwandeln muss.
Das Beispiel ist z.B.
The chrisis has affected the haulage industry

und im passiv ist das dann so:
the hauage industry has been affected by the crisis

und jetzt habe ich die sätze mal vom aktiven ins passive umgewandelt und würde mich freuen, wenn dies jemand korrigieren könnte, weil ich totale schwierigkeiten damit hatte.

we have bought extra oil supplies from non-middle east producers.

mein Passiv:
Extra oil supplies were been bought by non- middle east producers.

2. akt:
oil companies are shipping this oil to europe in every available oil tanker:

Every available oil tanker was been shipped this oil to europe by the oil companies.

we are increasing the size of eu oil reserves this way:

pass: the size of eu oil reserves has been increased in this way by us.

5. aktiv: in the meantime, we must prepare plans for a major emergency

passiv: plans for a major emergency have been prepared in the meantime by us.

6: aktiv: we are now printing fuel ration book all over europe.

passiv: fuel rations books all over europe have been printed now by u s.

7: we are going to distribute these to all vehicle owners next week:

passiv: all vehicle owners have been distributed next week by us.

8: we plan to start rationing at midday on saturday, 21st may.

passiv: the rationing at midday has been planned to stard on saturday, 21st may by us.

9: we will limit car owners to 20 litres of fuel per week.

passiv: car owners will be limited to twenty litre of fuel per week by us.

die 4 konnte ich gar nichts mit anfangen..
last night, we sent a team to discuss diplomatic solutions to the crisis.

:) Danke im vorauas

passive: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:45 Sa 30.08.2008
Autor: leduart

Wenn ich dir jetzt alle Saetze korrigiere, lernst du nichts. Die meisten sind falsch. Versuch doch erst mal ne Uebersetzung ins Deutsche, dann deutsches Passiv, dann erst engl. passiv!

> Also, ich habe hier 9 Sätze, die ich ins passiv umwandeln
> muss.
>  Das Beispiel ist z.B.
>  The chrisis has affected the haulage industry
> und im passiv ist das dann so:
>  the hauage industry has been affected by the crisis
> und jetzt habe ich die sätze mal vom aktiven ins passive
> umgewandelt und würde mich freuen, wenn dies jemand
> korrigieren könnte, weil ich totale schwierigkeiten damit
> hatte.
>  we have bought extra oil supplies from non-middle east
> producers.
> mein Passiv:
>  Extra oil supplies were been bought by non- middle east
> producers.

richtig: Extra oil supplies have been bought by us from ....

> 2. akt:
>  oil companies are shipping this oil to europe in every
> available oil tanker:
> passiv:
>  Every available oil tanker was been shipped this oil to
> europe by the oil companies.

This oil was shipped by oil companies to europe in every...

> 3:akt:
>  we are increasing the size of eu oil reserves this way:
> pass: the size of eu oil reserves has been increased in
> this way by us.


> 5. aktiv: in the meantime, we must prepare plans for a
> major emergency
> passiv: plans for a major emergency have been prepared in
> the meantime by us.

plans for a major emergency have to be
prepared in

> the meantime by us.
> 6: aktiv: we are now printing fuel ration book all over
> europe.
> passiv: fuel rations books all over europe have been
> printed now by u s.

hier ist nur die Zeit falsch! jetzt!

> 7: we are going to distribute these to all vehicle owners
> next week:
> passiv: all vehicle owners have been distributed next week
> by us.

uebersetz deinen Satz ins deutsch und korrigier selbst!  

> 8: we plan to start rationing at midday on saturday, 21st
> may.
> passiv: the rationing at midday has been planned to stard
> on saturday, 21st may by us.

auch hier Satzstellung falsch, uebersetze!

> 9: we will limit car owners to 20 litres of fuel per week.
> passiv: car owners will be limited to twenty litre of fuel
> per week by us.

richtig bis auf Mehrzahl!  

> die 4 konnte ich gar nichts mit anfangen..
>  last night, we sent a team to discuss diplomatic solutions
> to the crisis.

mach das zuerst deutsch, dann kannst dus.
Gruss leduart

> :) Danke im vorauas

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