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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - matilda
matilda < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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matilda: wichtig
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:07 So 25.01.2009
Autor: little.bubble

bitte um hilfe., verbesserungsvorschläge!

The book is about a little girl called Matilda. Her parents don’t care about her. Matilda is very intelligent and when she comes to school, she gets to know her friendly teacher Miss Honey.
The headmaster of her school is Miss Trunchbull, a terrible woman who hates children and does bad things with them. One day something strange happens to Matilda, when she gets very ?????angrily???. She feels her eyes become very hot, and suddenly she manages to tip a water glass with her eyes. When she finds out that Miss Trunchbull does terrible things with Miss Honey she decides to help her by her forces. Matilda scares/chases Miss Trunchbull away. Matilda’s family want to move to Spain, but she doesn’t want to follow ???them??. So she stays with Miss Honey.

Is this story worth reading?
In my opinion “Matilda” by Roald Dahl is a sweet and extraordinary story. I have to pay a compliment to the author of the story, Roald Dahl. The way he formulates the sentences really appeals to young and adult readers. The book opens a world, in which a small child is able to beat injustice. I find it good that Matilda rebels against her awful parents and tries to follow her way. I found it funny that she plays tricks to her unfair father who deceive people with his second-hand car garage.
Besides, Matilda might motivate children to read, because is also caught up in books.
Matilda is such a lovely small girl, it seems so unfair, that a child like her has got such awful parents. You hope until the end of the book, that something happens, which changes her life in a life, which Matilda deserves.
I enjoyed the book very much, because it is written in an amusing kind of way.

matilda: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:42 Mi 28.01.2009
Autor: LinUK


ich hab's mal versucht. Falls du fragen hast, her damit ^^:

Roald Dahl’s book is about a little girl called Matilda whose parents don’t care about her. She is a very intelligent girl who gets to know her friendly teacher, Miss Honey, at school.
The school’s headmaster is Miss Trunchbull, a terrible woman who dislikes children. One day, something strange happens to Matila. When she gets angry, she feels that her eyes are quite hot and somehow manages to tip a glass with her eyes. [vielleicht ein bischen mehr ausführen..sonst klingt die Überleitung so abgehackt].
After Matila finds out that Miss Trunchbull bullies her teacher, Miss Honey, Matilda decides to help her teacher by using her (special) powers to scare off Miss Trunchbill. Due to Matilda’s objection to move to Spain with her family, she stays with Miss Honey.

Is this story worth reading?
The book “Matilda” written by Roald Dahl is a very extraordinary story. Firstly, its (nicht “it’s”!!, sondern wirklich its) sentence formations are well structured, which therefore appeal to young and adult readers. Furthermore, a small girl that tries to follow her own dreams by rebelling against her awful/unfair parents fascinates me. In fact, I find it quite amusing when she plays tricks on her father who deceives people with his second-hand car garage. Since Matilda’s parents treat her unfairly throughout the story, I was eager to continue reading it, in hope for a change for Matilda.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading this story and hope it will motive children to read it as well.

Solltest du dies vorlesen oder abgeben, bitte lasse mich dein Resultat/Resonanz vom Lehrer wissen :) ^^

matilda: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 14:34 Do 29.01.2009
Autor: little.bubble

ich gebe es weder ab, noch lese ich es vor.

hast du das buch gelesn?
was ist deine meinung dazu?

matilda: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:20 Fr 13.02.2009
Autor: matux

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