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korrektur bittee: =)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:36 Di 04.12.2007
Autor: airam111


Heii! kann mir jemand diese texte korrigieren? wäre echt super! =)

+ Excuse me Madame! Is there a coffee          house in Brighton?
- Yes, of course. There is the “Moons”.
+ How do I get to “Moons”?
- Go straight ahead the Meeting House Lane. Take the third street on the right. Go to the end of this street. “Moons” is on the right.
+ Okay, I go straight ahead and take the second street on the right.
- No, you take the third!
+ Okay, I think, now I got it. Thank you very much!
- You are welcome.

+ Excuse me Sir!
- How can I help you?
+ I’m looking for some perfume. Where I can buy some?
- There is the perfumery “Vanity Box”. It’s just around the corner.
+ What is the best way to it?
- Follow Meeting House Lane until you get to a junction. Then turn left. The perfumery is at the corner near a china shop.
+ Okay, I think I will find it. Thank you very much!
- No problem.

I like shopping very much, but I don’t think that I’m a “shopaholic”. I mostly go shopping with my mum or with friends every now and then. My favourite shops are “Only”, “H&M”, “Mango” and “New Yorker”. I prefer shopping in the “Landstraße”, “Plus City” or in Vienna, but I think Ried is also a good place to go shopping. My parents buy my clothes for me. I have to pay for accessories from my own money, but every now and then also my parents buy them. When I’m in a shop, I like to take a lot of time looking at everything first and then I try on lots of thing. After that I decide witch things I want to buy.

korrektur bittee: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:22 Di 04.12.2007
Autor: Amano


> + Excuse me Madame! Is there a coffee          house in
> Brighton?
>  - Yes, of course. There is the “Moons”.
>  + How do I get to the“Moons”?
>  - Go straight ahead the Meeting House Lane.

kommt drauf an: go straight ahead down on Meeting House Lane (,wenn er die Meeting House Lane runter laufen soll)
Go straight ahead to Meeting House Lane ( , wenn er erst die Strasse, in der er ist runterlaufen muss bis er auf die Meeting House Lane stoesst)
Eigentlich kann man sich straight ahead sparen, weil man natuerlich erst einmal gerade aus in die Anfangsrichtung laeuft, bis man dann abbiegt)

Take the third

> street on the right. Go to the end of this street. “Moons”
> is on the right.
>  + Okay, I go straight ahead and take the second street on
> the right.
>  - No, you take the third!
>  + Okay, I think, now I got it now. Thank you very much!
>  - You are welcome.
> + Excuse me Sir!
>  - How can I help you?
>  + I’m looking for some perfumefragrance. Where I can Ibuy some?
>  - There is the perfumery a perfume shop called “Vanity Box”. It’s just around
> the corner.
>  + What is the best way to it get there?
>  - Follow Meeting House Lane until you get to a junction.
> Then turn left. The perfumery perfume shop is at the corner near a china
> shop.
>  + Okay, I think I will find it. Thank you very much!
>  - No problem.
> I like shopping very much, but I don’t think that I’m was a
> “shopaholic”. I mostly go shopping with my mum or with
> friends every now and then. My favourite shops are “Only”,
> “H&M”, “Mango” and “New Yorker”. I prefer shopping in the
> “Landstraße”, “Plus City” or in Vienna, but I think Ried is
> also a good place to go shopping. My parents buy my clothes
> for me. I have to pay for accessories from my own money,
> but every now and then also my parents buy them some for me. When I’m
> in a shop, I like enjoy taking a lot of my time looking at
> everything first and then I try on lots of thing. After
> that I decide witch which things I want to buy.

Okay, ich hab dir Perfumery ersetzt, weil ich noch nie von so einem Laden in England gehoert hab, falsch ist es bestimmt nicht Perfumery zu sagen, aber auch nicht gelaeufig. Ebenso ist es mit perfum, das ist so eine konzentrierte Form von Duftstoff, die man kaum zu kaufen bekommt, fragrance ist das, was man ueblicher Weise sagt und benutzt.


korrektur bittee: =)
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:47 Di 04.12.2007
Autor: airam111


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