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Forum "Grammatik" - choose the correct answer
choose the correct answer < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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choose the correct answer: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 08:38 Do 15.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Guten morgen zusammen,

Please choose the correct answer:

a) Colin  is used working/used to work a lot this year?
- is used working.

b) Three years ago he  is used taking/used to take it easy.
- used to take.

c) But the professors at the university really  made/let him work.
- made.

d) Of course his studies also  make/let him have some leisure time.
- let

e) Then he must remember  to do/doing all the things he had always wanted to do.
- doing.

f) He can't really remember  to stay/staying at home during the holidays to study for uneversity.
- to stay

g) But this year he mustn't forget  to meet/meeting with the other students and to talk/talking about the exam.
to meet, talking

h) He has already forgotten to promise/promising Kevin to help/ helping him with his studies for the A levels.
- promising, to help

ist das so richtig??


choose the correct answer: Guten Morgen
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 08:51 Do 15.09.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hi Suzan

hier die Antwort:

> Guten morgen zusammen,
> Please choose the correct answer:
> a) Colin  is used working/used to work a lot this year?
>  - is used working.

leider falsch

> b) Three years ago he  is used taking/used to take it
> easy.
>  - used to take.


> c) But the professors at the university really  made/let
> him work.
>  - made.


> d) Of course his studies also  make/let him have some
> leisure time.
>  - let


> e) Then he must remember  to do/doing all the things he had
> always wanted to do.
>  - doing.

leider falsch

> f) He can't really remember  to stay/staying at home during
> the holidays to study for uneversity.
>  - to stay

leider falsch

> g) But this year he mustn't forget  to meet/meeting with
> the other students and to talk/talking about the exam.
>  to meet, talking

meeting, talking

> h) He has already forgotten to promise/promising Kevin to
> help/ helping him with his studies for the A levels.
>  - promising, to help

to promise, to help



choose the correct answer: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 09:04 Do 15.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Guten morgen Britta :-)
danke dir

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