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Forum "Diskrete Mathematik" - The water clock
The water clock < Diskrete Mathematik < Hochschule < Mathe < Vorhilfe
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The water clock: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:06 Mi 14.03.2007
Autor: sara_20

A 12 hour water clock is to be designed with the dimensions: height 4 ft, and radius 1 ft,shaped like the surface obtained by revolving the curve
Y=f(x) around the y-axis.What should be this curve, and what should be the radius of the circular bottom hole, in order that the water level will fall at a constant rate of 4 inches per hour (in./h)?

The water clock: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 01:02 Do 15.03.2007
Autor: Event_Horizon

Hmmm, that's a nice question.

I think you should start with Bernoulli's equation which gives you the speed of the water as a function of pressure (-> height) Finally it says that the speed of the flowing water behaves like [mm] $v^2\sim [/mm] p$ and so [mm] $v^2\sim [/mm] y$ or [mm] $v\sim \wurzel{y}$. [/mm]

If you multiply the speed with the surface of the opening, you get the volume of water flowing through the opening:

[mm] $\dot [/mm] V=v*A$

and with my 3rd equation:

[mm] $\dot V\sim \wurzel{y}*A$ [/mm]

Now it is said that the water level decreases in a constant manner:

[mm] $\dot [/mm] y=const=4inch/h$

If you multiply this with the horizontal cross section C(y) of your cavity, you once again get the volume per time!

[mm] $\dot y*C(y)=\dot [/mm] V$

Both volumes have to be the same:

[mm] $\dot y*C(y)=\wurzel{y}*A$ [/mm]

Now, [mm] \dot{y} [/mm] is given and it is your job to evaluate C(y), the surface of the water at a given level y, which finally has to be transformed into the radius of a circle with Surface C(y).

I think this is the way you have to go. Finally, it is not an algebraic equation but a differential equation you have to solve. So my formulas are not really correct and also do not regard e.g. to the constants in Bernoullis equation.

Maybe I'll write a bit more tomorrow, but I also have to think about it.

The water clock: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 07:09 Do 15.03.2007
Autor: sara_20

I have problems in solving the differential equation Y*C(y)=Sqrt(y)*A

The water clock: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:20 Do 15.03.2007
Autor: matux

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