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Texte schreiben: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 09:40 Mo 21.09.2009
Autor: BlackSalad

Aufgabe 1
Zusammenfassung über einen Text der von dem American Dream handelt schreiben.

Aufgabe 2
kleiner Text über immigranten

Aufgabe 3
Bitte Korrekturlesen.


The text „the essence about the American Dream“ deals with the topic the American Dream, the imaginations of different generation and the change of it. The American Dream is the belief of personal success and physical comfort. Furthermore it isn’t only the material well-beeing, bvut also an especially feeling. James T. Dams give an explanation of the American Dream, that it is the dream of a better, fuller and richter life in an other country. Moreover the concept of American Dream has changed. In past all generation hope of a better life in America. But ten years later, the children, their parents have lived the American Dream left America and turn off from the American Dream and Society. Today we know facts like energy crises, that show us that it is not able to keep spending always. But people dreams of  an own home and a better life or something else. Because of that the people had decide what is best.
In my opinion the American Dream is a false illusion. But I can understand that poor people with terrible life conditions belief of the American Dream. Because this thought and hope give poor people power to cope with their hard life. All in all I think the hope of a better life is good but we should decide between illusions and reality.

2)In the twenty century was the largest move of  immigrants ever in America. Many Europeans immigrate every year. That are twelf million between 1900 and 1914. There are many immigrants, who live out of their origin country. They leave their country only about their hope of a better life and their chance to get a job. They don’t know how are the life in and the people of the new country. But they don’t think abou that. Because they only follow their illusions of a better world and that they feel freedom and all the things they miss.

3)On the one side the intentions of the advert „What happens if you drink GM coffee“ are to inform the readers about the genetically modified coffee and his follows concerning the people that produce coffee. The advert explain that the genetically modified coffee destroy the lives of small farmers. On the other side the advert request the readers to don’t buy this genetically modified coffee and advocate non genetically modified coffee. This advert request the readers to call the stated number and protest. The function of the photo is to corroborate the advert under it. The photo should show the people, the terrible life conditions of small farmers and their families. All in all in point the follows of the genetically modified coffee. Because of that the readers can better empathise with the poor small farmers, the life conditions and their families. That bring the people, who read this advert to call the number and to protest  the genetically modified coffee.

Danke im Voraus!!

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Texte schreiben: separate Threads
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 09:50 Mo 21.09.2009
Autor: Loddar

Hallo BlackSalad!

Bitte poste unabhängige / unterschiedliche Aufgaben / Fragen auch in separate Threads.


Texte schreiben: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:20 Mi 23.09.2009
Autor: matux

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