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Status Hochschulmathe
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    Status Differentialgl.
    Status Maß/Integrat-Theorie
    Status Funktionalanalysis
    Status Transformationen
    Status UAnaSon
  Status Uni-Lin. Algebra
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    Status ULinAGS
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    Status Determinanten
    Status Eigenwerte
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    Status Sonstiges
  Status Algebra+Zahlentheo.
    Status Algebra
    Status Zahlentheorie
  Status Diskrete Mathematik
    Status Diskrete Optimierung
    Status Graphentheorie
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    Status Relationen
  Status Fachdidaktik
  Status Finanz+Versicherung
    Status Uni-Finanzmathematik
    Status Uni-Versicherungsmat
  Status Logik+Mengenlehre
    Status Logik
    Status Mengenlehre
  Status Numerik
    Status Lin. Gleich.-systeme
    Status Nichtlineare Gleich.
    Status Interpol.+Approx.
    Status Integr.+Differenz.
    Status Eigenwertprobleme
    Status DGL
  Status Uni-Stochastik
    Status Kombinatorik
    Status math. Statistik
    Status Statistik (Anwend.)
    Status stoch. Analysis
    Status stoch. Prozesse
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
  Status Topologie+Geometrie
  Status Uni-Sonstiges

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Open Source FunktionenplotterFunkyPlot: Kostenloser und quelloffener Funktionenplotter für Linux und andere Betriebssysteme
StartseiteMatheForenKorrekturlesenSummary - A Star Called Henry
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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Summary - A Star Called Henry
Summary - A Star Called Henry < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Summary - A Star Called Henry: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 15:59 Mo 12.10.2009
Autor: Chari123


wir sollten in den Ferien ein Kapitel von ´A Star Called Henry´ zusammmenfassen. Könnt ihr schauen was es da zu verbessern gibt und mir Voschläge geben ? DANKE !

King Edward VII´s visit to Dublin and the last meeting with father

The chapter commences with Henry´s subordinated love to Dolly Oblong. He is overpowered by her appearence and does everything for her ,for example killing people. As a killer he puts parts of bodies into different rivers with the purpose not to be caught. On the third of July in 1907 ,the king of Great Britain and Ireland, Edward VII ,comes to Dublin. People are clapping hands and cheering which is somewhen disturbed by a cursing. Little Henry, 5 years old, and his brother Victor on his shoulders are escaping with their father from the rozzers. He is taking a crazy route, they are jumping over walls and are hurting themselves. At last they are in the Swan River. The father is telling stories about dying people - so inventing the world above them. When his sons are climbing out and waiting for their father, little Henry knows that he´ll never see him again. He wishes not to have met him and tries to kill his memories. Victor and him are going back home.
When bouncer Henry opens the door at the following morning, a crowd of rozzers are standing infront of him. He is trying to escape , barely arrested but doesn´t realise that he could never serve Dolly Oblong anymore. The police have his coat, find a knife, an unfolded paper with names and expose the secret.

Summary - A Star Called Henry: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:20 Fr 16.10.2009
Autor: matux

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