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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Summary + Vacabulary
Summary + Vacabulary < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Summary + Vacabulary: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 23:24 Do 08.03.2007
Autor: scheibinho

1.Vocabulary (for the text)

-caught redhanded

2. Test your vocabulary

In the majority of automobile factories, cars are still produced on the "1". This kind of work can be extremly "2", with the result that there is sometimes a high rate of "3" among the workers and even "4", with the result that damaged cars leave the line. A worker who was caught "5" when slitting the upholstery of a new car explained his behaviour by saying that this was the only way of showing what he had done in the assembly procedure. In many of the world's industrial nations there is growing "6" among the factory workers. Many of them have an "7" toward their dull jobs, and toward the often "8" management in their factories. The workers no longer accept the idea that boring work can be "9" by better wages, or that brain-work is the "10" of the bosses. Some nations have begun to search for a better system of production. Sweden, for example, employed study groups to find out how to give workers more "11" work without reducing the "12" of a factory. As a result, some firms "13" the assembly line, setting up production groups as an alternative. At the Saab automobile works, for example, work teams now assamble the cars. The workers, who used to be "14" to the rhythm of the assambly line, now "16" engines in groups or independently. Many prefer to work on their own, as this gives them more "17". If they need less time to assemble an engine than is "18", they can take a short "19" to relax or make phone calls. The Saab company is satisfied with the changeover; since they "20" of the assembly line, production has not only increased, but the workers feel more "21" for the finished product, with the result that there are fewer damages and complaints.

I. Understanding vocabulary

1.Rewrite recently attracted public attention in your own words.
2.Explain what aggressive wage demands imply.
3.What effect does high absenteeism have?
4.Describe authoritarian management.
5.Replace the phrase used to be subjected to by another one that has about the same meaning.


1. Try to summarize the foregoing text in about 1/3 of the original, i.e. in 150 words, by following the suggestions in these sentences:

a) Attitude of workers towards their assembly-line jobs.
b) How the growing aversion towards the job reveals itself.
c) What the well-educated worker's expectations to his job are.
d) What the alternative in job arrangement was to look like.
e) Aspects of human liberty that were finally realised.
f) Positive for the company . The lesson for modernising industry.

2. Answer all the questions as far as possible in your own words.

a) How does the modern factory workers attitude towards his job manifest itself? - State it and the way it is manifested.
b) What threefold expectations does the well-educated worker of today really have in respect to his job?
c) Why did it seem that production groups were an ideal arrangement for factory work? - Find hints to it in economic, personal, and social respect.
d) What aspects of human liberty on the job were finally realised in behalf of the workers?
e) In what two respects did the changeover finally pay for the company?

Hallo zusammen!

Dies ist eine Übungsaufgabe für das richtige Einsetzen von Vokabeln, Fragen beantworten (auch in eigenen Worten), sowie das Schreiben eines Summary.
Leider mache ich das seit Jahren wieder das erste Mal und benötige unbedingt mal ein gelöstes Muster ( in diesem Fall die aufgeführten Aufgaben) um mich wieder zurecht zu finden. Ich bin leider nun schon ein paar Jahre aus der  Schule und fange gerade was neues an (Hochschulreife) und versuche mir fehlendes Wissen in meiner freien Zeit anzueignen.
Meine Frage also:

Kann mir jemand von euch die aufgeführten Aufgaben versuchen einigermaßen zu lösen, damit ich in der Praxis besser zurechtfinden kann?

Es wäre super, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.
Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Summary + Vacabulary: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:08 Fr 09.03.2007
Autor: Ankh

Was verstehst du denn nicht?
Die Summary musst du schon selbst schreiben.

Summary + Vacabulary: Lösungsschemata
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:38 Fr 09.03.2007
Autor: Analytiker

Hi scheibinho,

das schließe ich mich Ankh an. Ich werde dir einen nützlichen Link als Schema reinstellen, wie man eine solide "summary" schreibt, dann kannst duch dich ja mal ranmachen. Wenn du deine Ansätze gepostet hast, können wir ja gern drüberlesen...*smile*:

Damit bekommst du das locker hin. Viel Spass.

Liebe Grüße

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