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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Stundenprokoll Korrekturlesen
Stundenprokoll Korrekturlesen < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Stundenprokoll Korrekturlesen: BITTE Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:03 Di 20.11.2007
Autor: madman

Ich bitte euch, korrektur zu lesen!

En-GK V.Loo 13          11 / 21 / 2007
         Max Mangold

Record of the english lesson at Monday, November the  2007

Short summary

1. Vocabulary training
2. Opening Scene from “Educating Rita” by A. Russell (act. 1/sc. 1)
3. Educating Rita: stage/film version
4. scenes 2 and 3
5. homework for Wednesday, the 21. of  November 2007

1. voabulary training - the game “brain28”

Expalantion of the game “brain28”:

The game brain28 is a special game to

Individual memory training and teamwork co-operation are the common aims of brain28.  
During the game, the leader will give 28 different vocabularies and the audience tries to remember them afterwards.
The vocabularies are presented as four blocks of seven vocabularies each. The vobabulary of the first and the latter block will be shown on cards and spoken by the leader. The second block of vocabularies will be just shown. The third block will be just spoken.
Afterwards, everyone tries to note down all vocabularies that he or she can remember. Getting twelve to sixteen words is average, more than twenty would be excellent.

This time, the vocabulary was:

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
1. actress 1. to guess 1. cinemagoer 1. varied
2. compared with 2. to refer to 2. to offer 2. insight into
3. off-stage character 3. to be enthusiastic about 3. to be performed 3. audience
4. range of experience 4. to cast light on 4. on-stage character 4. opening scene
5. easily accessible 5. to deal with focus on 5. course of the play
6. playwrighter 6. to extend 6. actor 6. enthusiasm for/on
7. stageplay 7. to serve to 7. an example of 7. by means of

Finally, everyone got his own printed sheet of the whole vocabulary.

2. The opening scene from “Educating Rita”

We talked about the opening scene from “Educating Rita” by A. Russell.
The class got another worksheet. It explains how to conclude the acts and scenes from Educating Rita. The worksheet was:

The Plot

Headlines & Scene-by-Scene-Summaries

Act I, Scene 1 (the opening scene)

Rita meets Frank or: Innocence meets Experience / A Clash of Cultures

Rita goes to see her Open University tutor, Dr. Frank Brant, a lecturer in English literature. She explains what she wants from the course. She is very enthusiastic about learning. Though frank Bryant is charmed by her, he is reluctant to teach her.

3. Educating Rita: stage/film version

The class focused on the two different versions of Educating Rita. One is the script from the filmwrighter and the other one is script of A. Russell.
The playwrighters script(the stage version ) is written in 1979 and was first performed in 1980 in London. The film version exists since 1983.
Michael Caine, the actor of Frank Bryant (film version) said, that Educating Rita would be “ a stageplay crying out to be made into a film!”.
He points this out, because there are a lot of off-stage characters in the playwrighters script. Additionally there is a lot of background information. Both can be seen in the film version.
Furthermore, we found out, that the film version shows specific pronounciation, which can help to analyse different aspect much better. As an example, where the film version gives more information than the script is a phone call for bryan from his wife.

4. scenes 2 and 3 from Educating Rita

This aspect was postponed to Wednesday, November the 2007.

5. homework for Wednesday, November the 2007

The two homeworks for Wednesday, November the 2007 are:

- To correct the short vocabulary test from
- To prepaire the scenes 2 and 3 from Educating Rita
- To read the worksheet page 85-88 (Educating Rita) and to make annotations.

The record is written by Max Mangold

Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt:

Stundenprokoll Korrekturlesen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:02 Mi 21.11.2007
Autor: Amano

Hi Max,

> Ich bitte euch, korrektur zu lesen!
> En-GK V.Loo 13          11 / 21 / 2007

>           Max Mangold
> Record of the English lesson from Monday, November the 19th  
> 2007
> Short summary
> 1. Vocabulary training
>  2. Opening Scene from “Educating Rita” by A. Russell (act.
> 1/sc. 1)
>  3. Educating Rita: stage/film version
>  4. Scenes 2 and 3
>  5. Homework for Wednesday, the 21st of  November 2007
> 1. Voabulary training - the game “brain28”
> Explaantion of the game “brain28”:
> The game brain28 is a special game to text missing:

>The game brain28 has the following special features:

> Individual memory training and teamwork co-operation are
> the common aims of brain28.  
> During the game, the leader will givepropose 28 different
> vocabularies sets of words, the vocabularies, and the audience tries to remember them
> afterwards.
>  The vocabularies are presented as four blocks of seven
> vocabularies??? Do you mean words here? each. The vobabulary of the first and the
> latter block will be shown on cards and spoken read out by the
> leader. The second block of vocabularies will be just only be
> shown. The third block will be just spoken only be read out.
> Afterwards, everyone tries to note down all vocabularies
> that he or she can remember. Getting twelve to sixteen
> words is average, more than twenty would be excellent.
> This time, the vocabulary was:
> Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
>  1. actress 1. to guess 1. cinemagoer 1. varied
>  2. compared with 2. to refer to 2. to offer 2. insight
> into
>  3. off-stage character 3. to be enthusiastic about 3. to
> be performed 3. audience
>  4. range of experience 4. to cast light on 4. on-stage
> character 4. opening scene
>  5. easily accessible 5. to deal with focus on 5.
> course of the play
>  6. playwrighter 6. to extend 6. actor 6. enthusiasm for/on
>  7. stageplay 7. to serve to 7. an example of 7. by means
> of
> Finally, everyone gotreceives his own printed sheet of the whole all tested
> vocabulary.
> 2. The opening scene from “Educating Rita”
> We talked about the opening scene from “Educating Rita” by
> A. Russell.
> The class gotwas handed out another worksheet. It explained how to
> conclude the acts and scenes from Educating Rita. The
> worksheet was:
> The Plot
> Headlines & Scene-by-Scene-Summaries
> Act I, Scene 1 (the opening scene)
> Rita meets Frank or: Innocence meets Experience / A Clash
> of Cultures
> Rita goes to see her Open University tutor, Dr. Frank
> Brant, a lecturer in English literature. She explains what
> she wants from the course. She is very enthusiastic about
> learning. Though frank Bryant is charmed by her, he is
> reluctant to teach her.
> 3. Educating Rita: stage/film version
> The class focused on the two different versions of
> Educating Rita. One is the script from the filmwrighter and
> the other one is script of A. Russell.
> The playwrighters script(the stage version ) is written in
> 1979 and was first performed in 1980 in London. The film
> version exists since 1983.
> Michael Caine, the actor of Frank Bryant (film version)
> said, that Educating Rita would be “ a stageplay crying out
> to be made into a film!”.
> He points this out, because there are a lot of off-stage
> characters in the playwrighters script. Additionally there
> is a lot of background information. Both can be seen in the
> film version.
>  Furthermore, we found out, that the film version shows
> specific pronounciation, which can help to analyse
> different aspect much better. As an example, where the film
> version gives more information than the script is a phone
> call for bryan from his wife.
> 4. scenes 2 and 3 from Educating Rita
> This aspect was postponed to Wednesday, November the 21.thst
> 2007.
> 5. homework for Wednesday, November the  >st 2007
> The two homeworks for Wednesday, November the 21.thst 2007
> are:
> - To correct the short vocabulary test from text missing: from what?
> - To prepaire the scenes 2 and 3 from Educating Rita
>  - To read the worksheet pages 85-88 (Educating Rita) and to
> make annotations.
> The record is written by Max Mangold
> Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen
> Internetseiten gestellt:

Ich hoffe, dass man das so noch lesen kann.


Stundenprokoll Korrekturlesen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:17 Mi 21.11.2007
Autor: Amano

Hab Punkt 3 uebersehen:

> 3. Educating Rita: stage/film version
> The class focused on the two different versions of
> Educating Rita. One is the script from the [s]filmwrighter[s] film version and
> the other one is script ofby A. Russell.
> The playwrightersplaywright's script(the stage version ) iswas written in
> 1979 and was first performed in 1980 in London. The film
> version exists since 1983.
> Michael Caine, the actor of Frank Bryant (film version)
> said, that Educating Rita would be “ a stageplay crying out
> to be made into a film!”.
> He points this out, because there are a lot of off-stage
> characters in the playwrightersplaywright's script. Additionally there
> is a lot of background information. Both can be seen in the
> film version.
>  Furthermore, we found out, that the film version shows a
> specific pronounciation, which can help to analyse
> different aspects much better. As an example, where the film
> version gives more information than the script
for the film version giving more detailed information compared to the original text is a phone
> call for Bryan from his wife.


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