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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Sports and Recreation
Sports and Recreation < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Sports and Recreation: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:24 Di 23.02.2021
Autor: cheezy

Hallo liebes Forum,

da ich im Juni eine sehr wichtige Prüfung habe, bitte ich jemanden, der vll Zeit hat und mir meine Antworten zu diesen Fragen und meinen Text vll Korrektur lesen könnte.

Ich danke für eure Hilfe :)

Sports and Recreation
P.258 Group Work

What is your favourite sport activity?

My favourite sport activity in the summer is swimming. I also play football in playing fields.

What kinds of sport do you do regularly?

I regularly go swimming in all seasons, but nowadays it is not possible in this pandemic situation. In the summer there are more sports activity available, so I can go cycling or playing beach volleyball.

What do you think of couch potatoes?

It is for me unbelievable that kids or adults sit mostly in all seasons in front of the television and they endanger their health. I would recommend them to more awareness for their health. Instead they could go outside for a walk or meet with their friends for sports activity.

What do you consider to be the most dangerous type of sport?

I think wingsuit should be the most dangerous type of sport because this activity is almost connected with the death. There are many people, who can do arresting stunts, but there is a risk that a technical failure can happen.

What do you do to keep fit? What do most Austrians do?

Currently I always go cycling to live a healthy life style and I appreciate it. It can recreate your mind more as you think. In my opinion the most of Austrian people live a unhealthy life style. Their nutrition contain too much saturated fat. In general the most of Austrians go hiking on the beautiful mountains or they go cycling or running. In winter snowboarding is also popular-widespreaded.

Do you ever go to live sports events? Which ones?

No, because of the Pandemic situation it is very risky. I don’t want to catch a virus and threat my family.
Do you think sportspeople deserve all the money they earn?

Pair Work

Have you ever taken painkillers?

Yes, it was necessary because I was not able to endure the pain because my dentist removed all my wisdom teeth.

Have you ever engaged in a sporting activity while being under the influence of painkillers?

No, because I am not a competitive athlete. I hope I will be never in a situation to endanger my health, because it is not worth. These people who inject anabolic steroids and take a loft of stimulants, they want to improve their physical appearance and in the most case they do it for money and fame.

What do you think about athletes suppressing pains with medicine only to be fit for the next competition?

That is very stupid, because when your body sends you signals that is suffer and you ignore the state, then it will be very harmful to your body. For instance, if you take a painkiller before a marathon, then you can harm your organs and the regeneration of your body is delayed.  

Hello ladies and gentleman,
Today I want to talk about Nordic walking. At first, I want to tell you why everybody can do it and then I want to give you so examples which part of the body has advantages from Nordic walking. At least I want to illustrate why it has gained such immense popularity.
Nordic walking is a finish version of walking that can be execute by non-athletes as a health promoting physical activity, and by athletes as a sport.
Almost everybody can start this sport activity because the requirement is that you only need two poles. You can order it easily from the online shop and after many days you can start it. Every person from different age can participate.
It exercises your upper and lower body and you can tone your legs, buttocks, chest, shoulders and particularly the backs of your arms. It uses over 90 % of your major muscles and it is efficient for back, neck and shoulder problems.
Nowadays it has been grown on immense popularity because you don’t need expensive equipment and you can do it everywhere in groups. You can also walk in picturesque nature, especially in the rural. Another reason is that this physical activity has also a positive effect on your state of mind.

Sports and Recreation: Some comments
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:59 Di 23.02.2021
Autor: Infinit

Hallo cheezy,
ein paar editorische Anmerkungen wie immer.
Viele Grüße,

> Hallo liebes Forum,
> da ich im Juni eine sehr wichtige Prüfung habe, bitte ich
> jemanden, der vll Zeit hat und mir meine Antworten zu
> diesen Fragen und meinen Text vll Korrektur lesen könnte.
> Ich danke für eure Hilfe :)
>  Sports and Recreation
>  P.258 Group Work
> What is your favourite sport activity?
> My favourite sport activity in the summer is swimming. I
> also play football in playing fields.
> What kinds of sport do you do regularly?
> I regularly go swimming in all seasons, but nowadays it is
> not possible in this pandemic situation. In the summer
> there are more sports activity [activities] available, so I can go
> cycling or playing beach volleyball.
> What do you think of couch potatoes?
> It is for me unbelievable that kids or adults sit mostly in
> all seasons in front of the television and they endanger
> their health. I would recommend them to more awareness for
> their health. Instead they could go outside for a walk or
> meet with their friends for sports activity [activities].
> What do you consider to be the most dangerous type of
> sport?
> I think wingsuit should be [why not: is] the most dangerous type of sport
> because this activity is almost connected with the death [better: dangerous to life].
> There are many people, who can do arresting stunts, but
> there is a risk that a technical failure can happen.
> What do you do to keep fit? What do most Austrians do?
> Currently I always go cycling to live a healthy life style
> and I appreciate it. It can recreate your mind more as you
> think. In my opinion the [delete: the] most of Austrian people live a
> unhealthy life style. Their nutrition contain [contains] too much
> saturated fat. In general the [delete: the] most of Austrians go hiking
> on the beautiful mountains or they go cycling or running.
> In winter snowboarding is also popular-widespreaded.
> Do you ever go to live sports events? Which ones?
> No, because of the Pandemic situation it is very risky. I
> don’t want to catch a virus and threat my family.
>  Do you think sportspeople deserve all the money they
> earn?
> S.265
>  Pair Work
> Have you ever taken painkillers?
> Yes, it was necessary because I was not able to endure the
> pain because my dentist removed all my wisdom teeth.
> Have you ever engaged in a sporting activity while being
> under the influence of painkillers?
> No, because I am not a competitive athlete. I hope I will
> be never in a situation to endanger my health, because it
> is not worth [it]. These people who inject anabolic steroids and
> take a loft of stimulants, they want to improve their
> physical appearance and in the most case they do it for
> money and fame.
> What do you think about athletes suppressing pains with
> medicine only to be fit for the next competition?
> That is very stupid, because when your body sends you
> signals that is suffer [it suffers] and you ignore the state, then it
> will be very harmful to your body. For instance, if you
> take a painkiller before a marathon, then you can harm your
> organs and the regeneration of your body is delayed.  
> Hello ladies and gentleman,
>  Today I want to talk about Nordic walking. At first, I
> want to tell you why everybody can do it and then I want to
> give you so examples which part[s] of the body has [gain] advantages
> from Nordic walking. At least I want to illustrate why it
> has gained such immense popularity.
>  Nordic walking is a finish version of walking that can be
> execute by non-athletes as a health promoting physical
> activity, and by athletes as a sport.
> Almost everybody can start this sport activity because the
> requirement is that you only need two poles. You can order
> it easily from the online shop and after many [some days] days you can
> start it [delete: it]. Every person from different age [Each person of fiiferent age] can participate.
> It exercises your upper and lower body and you can tone
> your legs, buttocks, chest, shoulders and particularly the
> backs of your arms. It uses over 90 % of your major muscles
> and it is efficient for [delete: for, add: fighting] back, neck and shoulder problems.
>  Nowadays it has been grown on immense popularity [why not; is has become very popular] because
> you don’t need expensive equipment and you can do it
> everywhere in groups. You can also walk in picturesque
> nature, especially in the rural. Another reason is that
> this physical activity has also a positive effect on your
> state of mind.

Sports and Recreation: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:33 Fr 26.02.2021
Autor: Eisfisch


versteh ich nicht, da steht bei Infinit ja nix.
aber korrekturlesen brauch ich auch nicht mehr, d a 'beantwortet'


Sports and Recreation: Eckige Klammern
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:11 Sa 27.02.2021
Autor: Infinit

Hallo Eisfisch,
meine Kommentare stehen in den eckigen Klammern des Textes. Cheezy und ich praktizieren diese Art der Kommunikation schon seit einiger Zeit.
Ein schönes, sonniges Wochenende wünscht

Sports and Recreation: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:50 Sa 27.02.2021
Autor: Eisfisch

danke für dn hinweis, wegen zitatzeichen > und grauschrift hab ich nicht weiter beachtet.

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