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Speech Analyse: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:16 Mo 12.11.2012
Autor: Maria9393

1. Fasse den die Rede von Matt Romney zusammen.
2. Analysiere die Rede.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.
Ich habe die Rede vom Romney Zusammengefasst und analysiert, doch bin mir dessen Richtigkeit nicht sicher. Bin für alle Tipps offen.

Analysis of the speech '' A Better America Begins Tonight''

1. to give back the text
The speech written by XXX on XXX is about the election candidates for the president position.
On 24 th April 2012 Mitt Romney candidates for presidential election and give a speech in Washington.
Romney talk about the time four years ago when Barack Obama takes over America. He is of the opinion  that this was to govern is the fails one for the country and accuses him to be failed. After that he represents the contrast between his and Obamas visions and asserts that the future of the government is more important for Obama than the future of his people. He also talk about the free enterprise society, which will be have ceased in this way and that the land will be ruled by bureaucrats, what will be the reason for lose the freedom and high unemployment. But this  will have an end if Romney will be elected, because his vision of the rule will ensure for happiness, successful and free future for this generation and that of the youngest. He also makes promises  for better school choices,for no more debts and to stop unfairness of taxpayer and union workers , who are used by people of higher status like the politicians.

2. analysis
In the introduction Romney wants to bring the people to think about the kind of success Obama have had in his three and a half years of rule, he uses a rhetorical question(c. ll. 3). As well he asks them any other questions about their wishes(c. ll. 4-6), which he knows they didn't become true. To the begin he blames Obama to dazzled the people with his promises, anaphora '' Greek columns '' and does nothing to keep them. In this way he blames the people and Obama in all to create America, in the way she is now, but then he talk about ''..and we're not stupid'' (l. 11) to show that he I the one, who knows how to rule in the right way and to show that what is happened in the past is let be in the past, that ''The better America Begins Tonight'' what he also used as the headline. The anaphora '' diversions, distractions and distortions ''(c.l. 9) let Obama appears more negative and straighten the wrong govern of the country. After then he present the vision of Obama to let the people chose which of them ist the better one, but before he makes the situation more dramatically with the word '' something is wrong, terribly wrong'' the way is America ruled by Obama and mentioned that the children have to grow up  in this terrible world.
In the next paragraph (ll.21) he puts up a thesis that in the future there will be not freedom, but only a live by ruled bureaucrats and high unemployment, because Obama concentrate himself  only on the government. For this he uses words like '' erodes, deadens, hurts'' to make it furthermore dramatically, to touch the peoples feelings and to make them feel whit him. There he uses the anaphora '' it '' (c.l.24) which is symbolized the wrong rule of Obama.Then he uses words like '' high unemployment, crushing debt and stagnant wages'' (l.27) to point up twice the serious of the situation and to scared the people to stay on a cliff. But then he talk about his visions and shows himself like the superman, who rescue all of them from the evil Obama with his way of rule. He begin his sentences with I to focused Them on him and used words like '' freedom, free people, pursuing happiness and free enterprises. Not forget his use of children as an example(c.l. 34-37), because this is the important though of the adults and promises them what they want to hear namely the successful future.
In his conclusion (c.l. 38-44) he begins all sentences with '' we will stop'', firstly to make them hope to stop of the nightmare , secondly to show them that only '' WE'' what means, he needs the help of the whole population to create the wonderful future and thirdly to let an amazing impression of himself. </task>
Habe ich das einigermaßen richtig zusammengefasst und analysiert? Ich bin für jeden Tipp dankbar.

LG Maria

Anhang Nr. 1 (Typ: jpg) [nicht öffentlich]
Speech Analyse: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:18 Mo 12.11.2012
Autor: durden88

Ich glaube der Typ heißt Mitt mit Vornamen gg ;)

Speech Analyse: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:30 Mo 12.11.2012
Autor: Maria9393

ach ja stimmt :)

Speech Analyse: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 01:02 Di 13.11.2012
Autor: Eisfisch

> 1. Fasse den die Rede von Matt Romney zusammen.
>  2. Analysiere die Rede.
>  Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen
> Internetseiten gestellt.
>  Ich habe die Rede vom Romney Zusammengefasst und
> analysiert, doch bin mir dessen Richtigkeit nicht sicher.
> Bin für alle Tipps offen.
> Analysis of the speech '' A Better America Begins Tonight''

Dateianhang ist nicht zugänglich, lesbar:  
Anhang Nr. 1 (Typ: jpg) Datei gesperrt wegen vermuteter Verletzung des Urheberrechts.

> 1. to give back the text

Welche Zeit bei der Zus.fassgung? -> (immer) Präsens), also:

>  The speech written by XXX on XXX is about the election
> candidates for the president position.
>  On 24 th April 2012 Mitt Romney candidates for
> presidential election and gives a speech in Washington.
>  Romney talks about the time four years ago when Barack
> Obama tooktakes(weil hier ein Bezug in die Vergangeheit ist) over America. He is of the opinion  that this
> was to govern is the fails one for the country (unverständlich) and accuses

> him to be failed. After that he represents the contrast
> between his and Obamas visions and asserts that the future
> of the government is more important for Obama than the
> future of his people. He also talks about the free
> enterprise society, which will be have ceased (??) in this way
> and that the land will be ruled by bureaucrats, what will
> be the reason for lose the freedom and  for high unemployment.
> But this  will have an end if Romney will be elected,
> because his vision of the rule will ensure for happiness,
> successful and free future for this generation and that of
> the youngest. He also makes promises  for better school
> choices,for no more debts and to stop unfairness of
> taxpayer and union workers , who are used (? worauf bezieht sich das?) by people of
> higher status like the politicians.
> 2. analysis
>   In the introduction Romney wants to bring the people to
> think about the kind of success Obama havehas  had in his three
> and a half years of rule, he uses a rhetorical question(c.
> ll. 3). As well he asks them  any other questions (unverständlich) about
> their wishes(c. ll. 4-6), which he knows they didn't become
> true. To the begin he blames Obama to  dazzle the people
> with his promises, anaphora '' Greek columns ''  (das steht sehr unvermittelt hier) and does
> nothing to keep them. In this way he blames the people and
> Obama  in all (besser:  ??9 to  create (erzeugen,erschaffen- ist das auch im Original?) America, in the way she is now, but
> then he talks  about ''..and we're not stupid'' (l. 11) to
> show that he Is  the one, who knows how to rule in the right
> way and to show that what is happened in the past  is let / should be
> in the past, that ''The better America Begins Tonight''
> what he also used as the headline. The anaphora ''
> diversions, distractions and distortions ''(c.l. 9) let
> Obama  appear more negative and straighten   (falls anaphora Plural ist, sonst  lets, straightens the wrong govern
> of the country. After then he presents  the vision of Obama
> to let the people chose which of them  (wer ist "them"?  is    the better one,
> but before he makes the situation more dramatically with
> the word '' something is wrong, terribly wrong'' the way is
> America is ruled by Obama and mentiones  that the children have
> to grow up  in this terrible world.

(bis hier)

>  In the next paragraph (ll.21) he puts up a thesis that in
> the future there will be not freedom, but only a live by
> ruled bureaucrats and high unemployment, because Obama
> concentrate himself  only on the government. For this he
> uses words like '' erodes, deadens, hurts'' to make it
> furthermore dramatically, to touch the peoples feelings and
> to make them feel whit him. There he uses the anaphora ''
> it '' (c.l.24) which is symbolized the wrong rule of
> Obama.Then he uses words like '' high unemployment,
> crushing debt and stagnant wages'' (l.27) to point up twice
> the serious of the situation and to scared the people to
> stay on a cliff. But then he talk about his visions and
> shows himself like the superman, who rescue all of them
> from the evil Obama with his way of rule. He begin his
> sentences with I to focused Them on him and used words like
> '' freedom, free people, pursuing happiness and free
> enterprises. Not forget his use of children as an
> example(c.l. 34-37), because this is the important though
> of the adults and promises them what they want to hear
> namely the successful future.
>  In his conclusion (c.l. 38-44) he begins all sentences
> with '' we will stop'', firstly to make them hope to stop
> of the nightmare , secondly to show them that only '' WE''
> what means, he needs the help of the whole population to
> create the wonderful future and thirdly to let an amazing
> impression of himself.
>  Habe ich das einigermaßen richtig zusammengefasst und
> analysiert? Ich bin für jeden Tipp dankbar.
> LG Maria  

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