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Sätze zum korrigieren: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:39 So 30.11.2008
Autor: Dinker

Beschäftige mich intensiv mit dem Werk Fahrenheit.
Hab mir ein "paar" Notizen gemacht und wäre sehr froh, wenn du einen Blick auf ein paar dieser Sätze werfen könntest und Korrekturen anbringen, die mich sicher weiter bringen.

Identify text passage, which express his change
- An old woman prefers to die, instead being separated from thema
What narrative perspective has Bradbury written the story, and explain the effect.
Bradbury has written the novel in the third person narration omniscient. This perspective enables the reader to see insight Montag’s thought. This perspective also enable the reader to follow his development from well-functioning member of the society to outsider.
Describe the setting and the atmosphere in which the novel act.  
The novel takes place in an unnamed futuristic city sometime in  the 24th century. The atmosphere is fantastic, for technology has transformed society into a land of virtual reality and ultra-
futurism. Television is totally interactive. Books are illegal, as is
any true exercise of thought. Mankind has become lazy and stupid
because of the excesses of technology. Superficially all people appear to be happy, but he novel supplies the reader a lot of hints, that the people are really unhappy.
Make an analyse from the of the first pages and try to explain, why Bradbury use this choice of words.
Bradbury use words like burn, blackened, venomous kerosene, igniter etc. The density of this language creates a powerful visual and sensory impression of destruction and violence.
Describe the difference attitude from the characters
For Captain Beatty, the most important feature of fire is that it is able to destroy and doesn’t left behind any traces.
Montag: At first he shares the opinion with Beatty, but in course of the story he recognizes that fire can also creates an atmosphere of warmth and security.
What does the river symbolise?
On the one side of the river we have the cruel thoughtless society and on the other side we have broad thinker, who likes to have conversation, reads books etc.
The river transports him from the “bad society” to “the good society”
Can you see a foreshadowing in the title of the first chapter (“The Hearth of the Salamander”)
The hearth stands for the home, the private and inner life of a person, while the Salamander refers to the fire and the lizard which keeps the fire burning.
This is an allude of the central conflict, which will dominate through the novel
Superficially all people appear to be happy, but he novel supplies the reader a lot of hints, that the people are really unhappy.
Describe the course of the story, do you think wehere ist he climax and turning point?
In my opinion the novel climaxes when Montag and the other firemen are called to burn a home. It turns out, it’s the home from Montag, because his wife has betrayed him. Montag confronts Beatty and decides to kill himm in order to save himself and humanity.
The climax is reached now, when it kills Beatty and escape to the book people. This is also the main turning point. Another turning point I see, when an old woman prefers to die than let to destroy their books.

What are themes?
There are several important and related themes that are develop throughout the novel. By describing the damage, which was caused by a lack of books or knowledge and by an over dependence on technology.

What is the main theme?
The major theme of the book is Bradbury’s attack on cencorship. In the futuristic society he portrays , the government has banned the reading or owning of all books and the accumulation of any knowledge. As a result, the citizen has become non-threating, non interesting humans
Characterize the society which is depicted in the story
The people in this  world take no interest in politics or world issues. The only point of life is pleasure. Montag's wife, Mildred, spends her time watching the televisions that take up three of the four walls in their parlor, or listening to the seashell radios that fit snugly in the ear. The consumption of violence as entertainment is a large part of this culture’s life.
For the people in this world to thinking is a agony. Ethics/moral doesn’t exist in this society.
People who have another opinion are prosecuted.
What sort of end, do you think is Fahrenheit?
In my opinion is a open ending, because the story go on and you don’t know exactly what will happen in the future
Why does Montag need the help from Faber?
Because he needs a teacher, who have a broad knowledge about books and literature. Fabers have the role so explain Montag what are books and for what they are stand. In addition he is to weak to make the entire change without help, so hat Faber support him in this process.

Vielen Dank für deine Bemühungen

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Sätze zum korrigieren: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:40 So 30.11.2008
Autor: Dinker

Hab gerade gesehen, dass mir teilweise ein blöder und einfahc zu vermeidender Fehler unterlaufen ist, nämlich das s beim Verb

Sätze zum korrigieren: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:47 So 30.11.2008
Autor: reverend

Dinker, hast Du eine Ahnung, wie lange es dauert, einen so langen Text zu korrigieren? Schon allein das Markieren fehlerhafter Teile und die davon abgesetzte Formatierung von Verbesserungsvorschlägen wird eine gute Stunde beanspruchen, wenn nicht mehr.

Ich finde, da verlangst Du ein bisschen viel. Einzelne und vor allem grundsätzliche Anfragen dagegen bearbeite ich (und da rede ich wirklich auch erstmal nur von mir) durchaus gerne.

Sätze zum korrigieren: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:58 So 30.11.2008
Autor: Dinker

Ja das bin ich mir bewusst, dass ihr das auch nicht aus dem Ärmel zaubern könnt und dies mir einem grossen Arbeitsaufwand verbunden ist.
Deshalb erwarte ich auch nicht, dass du z. b. den ganzen Text durchschaust. Ich wäre dir sehr dankbar, wenn du mal den Anfang mit den ersten 4  Sätzen machen könntest und vielleicht findet sich dann einw eiteres hilfsbereite Mitglied, dass die nächsten paar Sätze anschaut

Besten Dank im Voraus

Sätze zum korrigieren: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:20 Mo 15.12.2008
Autor: matux

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