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Forum "Lektüre" - Robert Sheckley
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Robert Sheckley: The store of the worlds
Status: (Frage) für Interessierte Status 
Datum: 17:20 Mo 25.10.2004
Autor: Eirene

Hi @ll !!!!

Wer kennt die geschichte "The store of the worlds" und kann mir helfen.

Im internet habe ich nichts gefunden.

Ich brauche alles was ihr darüber wisst, vieleicht hat einer von euch das schon in der Schule gemacht.
ich brauche summary, charakterisierung von personen, alles über setting und technological development vor allem aber über intention/message und theme.

Die Geschichte hab ich natürlich schon gelesen, ich muss nämlich nach den Ferien einen Vortrag darüber halten


Robert Sheckley: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 07:49 Mi 03.11.2004
Autor: Eva

Hallo Eirene,

[sorry] aber leider kann Dir keiner hier mit Deiner Frage weiterhelfen. Da die Fälligkeit bereits abgelaufen ist, gehe ich davon aus, dass Du an einer Antwort nicht mehr interessiert bist.

Tut mir leid,
viele Grüße

Robert Sheckley: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:02 So 07.11.2004
Autor: Eirene

Hab ich mir schon gedacht, dass mir keiner  helfen kann,

Hier für meine Nachfolger:) ->

Characterization Tompkins:
Mr. Tompkins is the owner of the Store of the Worlds, he is a typical scientist. He lives in his store which is constructed of small peaces of different materials, for example of parts of cars. He says that he is able to “liberate minds after he gives people an injection. The way how he talks is redicuolus. He is characterized as a tall, crafty-looking old fellow with narrow eyes and a downcast mouth. For Mr Wayne he sounds like a circus barker proclaiming marvels that simply could not exist. The way how he looks like and the way how he behaves make a supernatural impression. He knows what people say when they come to his shop, he knows the questions the people put. It seems that he is lonely and unhappy (“downcast mouth”). he has nobody to talk to, only his parrot and sometimes his clients. The only thing that makes him happy is his science (“signs of enthusiasm”). To convince the client Tompkins uses short sentences and tries to explain in simple words what is going to do. He uses rhetorical questions (“Doesn’t every object cast a shadow?”), a lot of exclamations and intensifying adverbs (“Of course...”). Like other people he thinks of his survival. Consequently he is happy about some food Wayne gives him as a price.

The story takes place in the Store of the Worlds during a war. Only the beginning and the end take place outside the store. In the store there is a table and a chair and a rocking chair. The furniture is old. There are a lot of different bottles on the table. The whole shop looks like labaratory of a scientist. The buildings around the store are destroyed the whole town is a field which is made of destroyed buildings , remnants of trees and ash of people.  and even the store is constructed of small pieces of different materials (“bits of lumber, parts of cars, peaces of iron …”).
Technological development:
We don’t know exactly when the action takes place in the story. We know not much about technological development in this world. There is just one man who has the ability to put people in a kind of “sleep”.
Effects of this tecnology:
The intention of Mr. Tompkinsis to help people to escape from our world for a certain period of time. They have visible effects on reality. During this sleep people has an impression that their secret desires are fulfilled. Sometimes it happens that people die. The price is ten years off life. But this experience is for all people satisfactory.
The author does not tell us a lot about the society Tompkins and Wayne live in. We know that the the action takes place during the war. Consequently it is possible to conclude that people have only war in their minds. Every day they think how to survive.
In my point of view the message of this pacifistic story is that during the war people can change completely. They forget about reality and think only about survival. That is why it is important to look critically at the events and to maintain your own personality. The author wants to show us disatrous consequences of starting wars all over the world. He foresees the escalation of conflichts and is afraid that the military doctory can change people’s mind. He is afraid that people will forget everyday life and think only about war.
Surprise ending:
The distinctive feature of this story is surely its surprise ending. At the beginning of the text the reader thinks that Mr. Wayne decides against the injection and goes home where he has a wife and two children but noone expects that Mr. Wayne is dreaming and that his deepest desire is to have a house a job and and a family the things he had before the war.. For the reader his dreams seems to be very realistic. Only in the end of the story we do not know that the action takes place during the war and that the wealth of a soldier is only a parcel wirth “a pair of army boots, a knife, two coils of cooper wire and three small cans of corned beef”. Consequently the reader is shocked and very surprised.

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