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    Status Zahlentheorie
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    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
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Forum "Zahlentheorie" - Relativ Prim
Relativ Prim < Zahlentheorie < Algebra+Zahlentheo. < Hochschule < Mathe < Vorhilfe
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Relativ Prim: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:37 So 03.03.2013
Autor: sissile

Given a positive integer k, we can find infinitely many positive
integers a such that the k integers in the set
a + 1 , 2a + 1 , . . . , ka + 1
are pairwise relatively prime.

Proof. Let a be any positive integer which is divisible by all of the prime numbers
which are less than k. We claim that a + 1, 2a + 1, . . . , ka + 1 are pairwise
relatively prime. Suppose not. Let i and j be such that 1 ≤ i < j ≤ k and ia+1
and ja+1 are not relatively prime. Let p be a prime number which is a factor of both ia+1 and ja+1. Then p cannot be a factor of m. Hence p is greater than or equal to k. On the other hand p is a factor of (ja + 1) − (ia + 1) = (j − i)a.
Hence p is a factor of j − i. But j − i is less than k, hence p is less than k, a

Was soll m sein? . Denn genau die Stelle verstehe ich nicht, dass p [mm] \ge [/mm] k sein muss.
Hat da wer eine Idee, wwarum das gilt?

Liebe grüße

Relativ Prim: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:54 So 03.03.2013
Autor: felixf


> Given a positive integer k, we can find infinitely many
> positive
>  integers a such that the k integers in the set
>  a + 1 , 2a + 1 , . . . , ka + 1
>  are pairwise relatively prime.
> Proof. Let a be any positive integer which is divisible by
> all of the prime numbers
>  which are less than k. We claim that a + 1, 2a + 1, . . .
> , ka + 1 are pairwise
>  relatively prime. Suppose not. Let i and j be such that 1
> ≤ i < j ≤ k and ia+1
>  and ja+1 are not relatively prime. Let p be a prime number
> which is a factor of both ia+1 and ja+1. Then p cannot be a
> factor of m. Hence p is greater than or equal to k. On the
> other hand p is a factor of (ja + 1) − (ia + 1) = (j −
> i)a.
>  Hence p is a factor of j − i. But j − i is less than
> k, hence p is less than k, a
>  Widerspruch.
>  Hallo
>  Was soll m sein?

Wenn $m = a$ sein soll (ist vermutlich so gemeint gewesen), dann stimmt alles.

LG Felix

Relativ Prim: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:07 So 03.03.2013
Autor: sissile

ok -> p teilt nicht a
Denn wenn p teilt ia+1 und p teil a so würde p die 1 teilen .


Relativ Prim: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:07 So 03.03.2013
Autor: reverend

Hallo sissile,

ist das eine Frage? Oder hast Du Dich nur verklickt?

>  ok -> p teilt nicht a

>  Denn wenn p teilt ia+1 und p teil a so würde p die 1
> teilen .

Jawollja. Genau. So isses.


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