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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Referat San Francisco
Referat San Francisco < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Referat San Francisco: Referat San Francisco?
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:05 Do 13.12.2007
Autor: chris18

Englisch Referat

San Francisco

Hello my presentation is about San Francisco

now I’m going to tell you something about the city, the history, some sights

San Francisco is located in USA / California


-young city
-was founded in 1776
-the first name was Yerba Buena  it  means wild mint
-1821-1847 San Francisco belonged to Mexico
-1846 American Kaptain John B. Montgomery claimed the territory for the  United         States
1848 Gold rush Population grew rapidly
-Inclusion in American Union
-1906 a earthquake destroys the centre of San Francisco
   the fires raged 3 days


Golden Gate Bridge

• It was built from 5th January 1933 until 27th May 1937. The bridge was built under the management from Josef B. Strauss. The bridge cost 35 million dollar. It was for a long time with 2737m the longest suspension bridge on the world. The bridge to built, was to this time very hard, because the technology wasn´t so good. On the bridge drives 100000 vehicles a day 5 dollar .

The island Alcatraz lies in the bay of San Francisco. Formerly it was used as a site for a high safety prison, today it is a historical scene. Alcatraz is under surveillance the US National Park Service.
The island is 500 m long and was not only a site for a prison, the oldest lighthouse of the west coast is on it. The name comes of the word "Isla de los Alcatraces" (Pelican island) that is Spanish because the Spanish people entered the island as first in the 18th century. Then already, as also today the island is a bird protection field.

As almost into everyone large American city also San Francisco has a Chinatown. It lies in the eastern part of the city. There approx. 70000 Chinese live. Chinatown San Francisco is the biggest Chinese residential quarter outside of Asia. Many came here after the time of the railway construction since only Chinese workers almost laid out rails. About only the half of the Chinatowninhabitants speaks English. To leave that one old people the quarter only rare, because they can feel there as in their home. If one stays in Chinatown longer, one has to be the feeling in a genuine Chinese city. The Dragon Gate is the official entry to Chinatown. after the earthquake 1906 Chinatoenzerstoert became, but it was established much more beautiful than it was before. In Chinatown the factory is that one, to be made the Chinese luck cookies.

Cable cars

Many of the roads are so steep, that the horses were unable to to transport the cars up and down . this is why the Cable Cars are invented.
They are pulled up and down with anunterground cable.
Many people uses the cable cars to get to work  

Pier 39
The pier 39 is at the eastern one ends the Fisherman's Wharf. More than 100 shops and 10 restaurants are on the 300m of long pier. The buildings were built with wood planks of old ships. The sea lions which sat down in the port are one of the special attractions. The "Aquarium Of The Bay" is at the pier 39, there one can live the animals that in the bay admire. From the Pier39 one can do all excursions with ships, for example according to Alcatraz, Sausalito, Oakland, Golden Gate Bridge.

Other special features
-The city has problems with parked cars
because the streets are so steep that the cars rolling down if you park  the cars like                                                                                                                            us  
that is why they park their cars in front of the pavement
-it’s a very rich earthquake area
-beautiful skyline
-same row houses

Hallo ich muss am Montag ein Referat über San Francisco halten hier ist mein Referat wäre nett wenn Ihr verbesserungs Vorschläge hättet danke.

Referat San Francisco: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:30 Do 13.12.2007
Autor: Razorback

Englisch Referat

San Francisco

Hello my presentation is about San Francisco

I’m going to tell you something about the city, the history and some sights

San Francisco is located in the USA / California


-young city
- founded in 1776
-the first name was Yerba Buena which means wild mint
-1821-1847 San Francisco belonged to Mexico
-1846 American Captain John B. Montgomery claimed the territory for the  United         States
1848 Gold rush Population grew rapidly
-Inclusion in the American Union
-1906 an earthquake destroys the centre of San Francisco
   the fires raged 3 days


Golden Gate Bridge

• It was built from 5th January 1933 til 27th May 1937. The bridge was built under the management from Josef B. Strauss. The bridge cost 35 million dollar. It was for a long time with 2737m the longest suspension bridge on the world. To built the bridge, was to this time very hard, because the technology wasn´t as good as today. On the bridge drives 100000 vehicles a day 5 dollar .  aus dem satz werdich net schlau^^

The island Alcatraz is located in the bay of San Francisco. Formerly it was used as a site for a high safety prison, today it is a historical scene. Alcatraz is under the surveillance of the US National Park Service.
The island is 500 m long and was not only a site for a prison; also the oldest lighthouse of the west coast is on it. The name comes of the word "Isla de los Alcatraces" (Pelican island) that is Spanish because the Spanish people entered the island as first in the 18th century. Then already, as also today the island is a bird protection field.

As almost into everyone large American city also San Francisco has a Chinatown. It lies in the eastern part of the city. There approx. 70000 Chinese live. Chinatown San Francisco is the biggest Chinese residential quarter outside of Asia. Many came here after the time of the railway construction since only Chinese workers almost laid out rails. About only the half of the Chinatown inhabitants speaks English. To leave that one old people the quarter only rare, because they can feel there as in their home. DEN satz checke ich nicht^^ If you stay in Chinatown longer, one has to be the feeling in a genuine Chinese city. The Dragon Gate is the official entry to Chinatown. After the earthquake in 1906 Chinatown was destroyed, but it was established much more beautiful than it was before. In Chinatown the factory is that one, to be made the Chinese luck cookies. Das kapier ich nicht

Cable cars

Many of the roads are so steep, that the horses were unable to to transport the cars up and down . this is why the Cable Cars are invented.
They are pulled up and down with an underground cable.
Many people uses the cable cars to get to work  

Pier 39
The pier 39 is at the eastern ends of the Fisherman's Wharf. More than 100 shops and 10 restaurants are on the 300m  long pier. The buildings were built with wood planks of old ships. The sea lions which sat down in the port are one of the special attractions. The "Aquarium Of The Bay" is at the pier 39, There you can watch the animals living in the sea.
From the Pier39 you can do all excursions with ships, for example according to Alcatraz, Sausalito, Oakland, Golden Gate Bridge.

Other special features
-The city has problems with parked cars
because the streets are so steep that the cars roll down if you park the cars like we do
that is why they park their cars in front of the pavement
-it’s a dangerous earthquake area
-beautiful skyline
-same row houses

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