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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Probleme Englisch
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Probleme Englisch: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:27 Fr 08.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Ich habe Probleme

At the beginning he is very optimistic and believe on the good human nature.

Ist es eigentlich unüblich, dass dystopian novels ein optimistischen Ausgang haben?

Or if you ask elderly people how it was the life and youth earlier, they know mostly only to report positive aspects. They spin the past in that way they have  ……..

Hier habe ich Probleme mit der Satzstellung

They spin the past in away how they ...........
Sie spinnen die Vergangenheit so zusammen, wie sie es gerne gehabt hätten

Or after the second world war the people tries to blank out the ferocity of the world. Because the most people wanted to prevent to expose with the truth
“Only” decades later the public and historical research have begann to review what really happened in the war.

Or if you are in a group, then it’s normal that you try to adapt your behaviour to the group. But in reality you restricted your own freedom, because you act in the group’s interest.

Huxley presents us two world, the Brave now World and the Reservation. Maybe this could be seen as an anticipation for the bipolar world after the second World war. Basically this conflict was a controversy between two different value systems like in BNW. Between capitalism and command economy and liberalism and communism

Genetically viewed every human is unique. Nobody from the seven billions populations are equal to you.  Geht das so?
Genetisch gesehen......

Mass entertainment isn’t a new invention. Already the ancient Roman liked it. For example the performance of the gladiators was a great spectacle.

BNW is exactly that, because Huxley features a society which is completely dominated from technology and pleasure.

To achieve this aim the society had to give up love, family, science, art, religion and history. An indication that the price is definitely to high shows John’s suicides

Thanks a lot

Probleme Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:29 So 10.05.2009
Autor: csak1162

okay ich bin ja kein englisch genie und hab auch nur kurz drübergelesen, aber ich denke, dass einiges nicht stimmt. Sicher bin ich mir dass

world war the people [s] tries [mm] [\s] [/mm] to blank
people sind auf alle fälle mehrzahl


Huxley presents us two worlds
bei worlds hast du das s vergessen


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