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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - My company
My company < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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My company: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:46 Sa 17.05.2008
Autor: ha3

Erstelle ein Profil über deine Firma (Company)

Um meine Englisch zu verbessern habe ich versucht einen Text zu schreiben. Könnte ihn mir jemand durchschauen und wenn möglich auch ein paar Tipps geben?
Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

"Now or Never"
The head of the company “Now or Never” is in London. We are a very large company and the leaders in the market. We produce more than 3000 bottles per day. We sell our parfum around the world and clients love us for our glamour. “Now or Never’s” products are for persons who love luxurious things. We are going to sell our fine products only in small bottles with high prices reseverd only for the high society. Our dream is to creat an image of glamour and style. The scent of freedom captured inside a bottle.
But not only the clients love us, also for our employees we are like a second family. We greet each other like friends and we use only the first names. Our employees have the chance to eat during the working week in the mensa and they do also social activities together outside work. Men an women have not different roles in the company and they get from the company a handy and also special tranings.
In our company is a very good atmosphere and so the employees like to work there.

My company: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:18 Sa 17.05.2008
Autor: Gany

"Now or Never"

The head of the company “Now or Never” can be found in London. We are a very large company and at the moment the leading facility in this business. More than 3000 bottles are produced a day. We sell our parfums all around the world. Our products are especially for persons who love luxurious, glamorous things. That's why our fine products are going to be in small bottles and each of them costs large amounts of money. Only the privileged High Society will be able to get them. Our dream is to create an image full of glamour and style: The scent of freedom captured inside a bottle.
In fact, that's not all. Apart from the trust of our clients, for our employees we are like a second family. We are greeting each other like friends. Besides, our employees have the chance to eat in the mensa during the working week and even outside work they are doing social activities together.
Men and women do not play different roles in the company. They get everything they need, from working equipment to special trainings. Eyeryone is happy with their work and just enjoys the good atmospere.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir ein bisschen weiterhelfen. Deine Ideen waren sehr gut, ich habs nur ein bisschen umgeschrieben.


My company: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:12 Sa 17.05.2008
Autor: Mandy_90

Hallo gany,

> Eyeryone is happy with their work and
> just enjoys the good atmospere.

Wenn ich mich nicht irre,heißt es "Everyone is happy with his work".


My company: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:34 So 18.05.2008
Autor: ha3

Danke, für eure Hilfe.

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