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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Letter of Interest
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Letter of Interest: Korrigieren
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:55 Sa 24.09.2011
Autor: Summer1990


ich bewerbe mich zur Zeit für ein Praktikum in einem Delfinforschungsinstitut in Sardinien. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn jemand das Bewerbungschreiben korrigieren könnte.
Da ich noch nie ein Bewerbungsschreiben auf Englisch verfasst habe, habe ich mir irgendwie ein bisschen schwer damit getan ;)

Application for an internship at the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute

Dear Dr. XXX, (kommt hier noch ein Mr. vor Dr.??)

on the website of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute I found the advertisement for an internship at the BDRI. I would like to do my academic internship at the institute from July to October 2012. mit academic internship meine ich ein universitäres Pflichtpraktikum

At the University of Trier I’ve already studied 4 semesters of BioGeo-Analysis. At the moment I pass two exchange semesters at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu. Here, I also take two courses where I learn the handling with Geographical Information Systems.

Already before I started my study, I was really interested in marine biology. A lecture about mammals aroused hier will ich sagen, dass diese vorlesung mein Interesse an marinen säugern nochmal verstärkt hat my interest about marine mammals. After a dissertation about a monitoring and photo-identification of whales in the Mediterranean sea, my wish to work in this field was intended.

The bottlenose dolphin forms the picture which people have about dolphins. I think it’s important to learn more about the behaviour and ecology of these fascinating animals. Above all the communication of wild bottlenose dolphins is a very exciting topic. I think it’s really necessary to study the behavior of the dolphins in order to save future populations. In times of dolphinariums and gillnets it’s important to establish protection areas for the bottlenose dolphin and to protect it from human impact.

I’m enthusiastic about fieldwork and I think it’s important for my further studies to analyze collected data be myself. autonomous??? After my bachelor degree in BioGeo-Analysis I’m interested in doing a master in marine biology. The internship in the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute gives me already the possibility to learn more about marine ecosystems and to collect informative experiences in this topic which I can profit by in my master’s degree study.

I’m very responsible and reliable. It’s easy for me to learn new tasks and my open-minder character gives me the possibility to integrate in present teams.

I look forward to be an internship of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute.

Yours sincerely,

Zudem noch 2 kurze Fragen zu Texten die ich für dei Application form geschrieben habe:

How did you learn about this internship program?
I was looking for marine biology internships in the World Wide Web (first of all dolphin research) and I discovered the website of “the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institut”. I was enthusiastic about the work at the BDRI and noticed that it’s possible to do an internship at the institute.

[Why you would like to perform an internship at the BDRI?
Marine biology is a very interesting field of study. Already in the beginning of my study, I was interested in this topic. The BDRI does a research under long-term and without disturb or harm the animals. That was an important aspect for me, when I was looking for internships.
Furthermore dolphins are fascinating marine mammals and it’s exciting to learn more about them. I’m mainly interested in the communication of wild dolphins but I think that all aspects about dolphin biology and ecology are interesting.
When I was reading the general information about the internship my intention about working at BDRI confirmed: The change of field and laboratory work offers me opportunities to become acquainted with both topics and it’s exciting to analyse data collected by myself!
Besides I’m a very outgoing person and I like it to meet new people from all nationalities.
I’m also considering about doing my Master study in marine biology and the internship

Letter of Interest: Some comments
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:50 Sa 24.09.2011
Autor: Infinit

Hallo Summer1990,
ich habe ein bisschen was dazu vermerkt in Klammern.
Viele Grüße und viel Erfolg,

> Hallo,
> ich bewerbe mich zur Zeit für ein Praktikum in einem
> Delfinforschungsinstitut in Sardinien. Ich würde mich
> freuen, wenn jemand das Bewerbungschreiben korrigieren
> könnte.
>  Da ich noch nie ein Bewerbungsschreiben auf Englisch
> verfasst habe, habe ich mir irgendwie ein bisschen schwer
> damit getan ;)
> Application for an internship at the Bottlenose Dolphin
> Research Institute
> Dear Dr. XXX, (kommt hier noch ein Mr. vor Dr.??)

Nein, ist okay so

> on the website of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute
> I found the advertisement for an internship at the BDRI. I
> would like to do my academic internship at the institute
> from July to October 2012. mit academic internship meine
> ich ein universitäres Pflichtpraktikum
> At the University of Trier I already studied 4 (four)
> semesters of BioGeo-Analysis. At the moment I pass two
> exchange semesters at the University of Eastern Finland in
> Joensuu. Here, I also take two courses where I learn the
> handling with (of) Geographical Information Systems.
> Already before I started my study (studies), I was really (deeply) interested
> in marine biology. A lecture about mammals aroused (increased) hier
> will ich sagen, dass diese vorlesung mein Interesse an
> marinen säugern nochmal verstärkt hat my interest about
> marine mammals. After A dissertation about a  (the) monitoring and
> photo-identification of whales in the Mediterranean sea (strengthened) my
> wish to work in this field was intended  (area).
> The bottlenose dolphin forms the picture which people have
> about dolphins. I think it (i)s important to learn more
> about the behaviour and ecology of these fascinating
> animals. Above all (Also) the communication of wild bottlenose
> dolphins is a very exciting topic. I think it (is) really
> necessary to study the behavior of the dolphins in order to
> save future populations. In times of dolphinariums and
> gillnets it (is) important to establish protection areas for
> the bottlenose dolphin and to protect it from human
> impact.
> I (am) enthusiastic about fieldwork and I think it’s
> important (believe the analysis of collected data will be of great value) for my further studies.  to analyze collected data
> be myself. autonomous???
After my bachelor degree in
> BioGeo-Analysis I’m interested in doing a master in
> marine biology. The internship in the Bottlenose Dolphin
> Research Institute gives me already (would already give me) the possibility to
> learn more about marine ecosystems and to collect
> informative experiences in this topic which I can profit by (from)
> in my master’s degree study.
> I (consider myself as being a) very responsible and reliable (person). It’s easy for me to
> learn new tasks and my open-minder(d) character gives (supports an easy integration into existing working structures) me the
> possibility to integrate in present teams.

> I look forward to be(ing) a (candidate for an) internship of (at) the Bottlenose
> Dolphin Research Institute.
> Yours sincerely,
>  XXX
> Zudem noch 2 kurze Fragen zu Texten die ich für dei
> Application form geschrieben habe:
> How did you learn about this internship program?
>  I was looking for marine biology internships in the World
> Wide Web (first of all dolphin research) and I discovered
> the website of “the Bottlenose Dolphin Research
> Institut”. I was enthusiastic about the work at the BDRI
> and noticed that it’s possible to do an internship at the
> institute.
> [Why you would like to perform an internship at the BDRI?
>  Marine biology is a very interesting field of study.
> Already in the beginning of my study,(From the beginning of my studies) I was interested in
> this topic. The BDRI does a research under long-term (conditions) and
> without disturb(ing) or harm(ing) the animals. That (This) was an important
> aspect for me, when I was looking for internships.
> Furthermore, dolphins are fascinating marine mammals and
> it’s exciting to learn more about them. I’m mainly
> interested in the communication of wild dolphins but I
> think that all aspects about  (of) dolphin biology and ecology
> are interesting (topics).
>   When I was reading the general information about the
> internship my intention about working at BDRI confirmed:
> The change (alternation) of field and laboratory work offers me
> opportunities to become acquainted with both topics and
> it’s exciting to analyse (self-collected) data collected by myself!
> Besides, I’m a very outgoing person and I like it to meet (meeting)
> new people from all nationalities.
>  I’m also considering about doing my Master study in
> marine biology and the internship (unvollständiger Satz?)

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