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Status Hochschulmathe
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    Status Nichtlineare Gleich.
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    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
  Status Topologie+Geometrie
  Status Uni-Sonstiges

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Korrekturlesen eines Textes < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrekturlesen eines Textes: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 02:20 So 08.03.2009
Autor: Database

Bitte um Korrektur (Ausdruck, bzw. grammatikalische Korrektheit). Wenn möglich auch mit richtiger Kommasetzung. Vielen Dank!

Dealing mostly with sexual subjects, the book also allows inspection into the identification process of a young woman. The antagonism between sexual pleasure, discovery and desire and the masochistic attitude, constituting destruction, anguish and pain, is a hard but realistic demarcation.
The craving for love and harmony is an irremediable basic need for humans. The heroine Helen tries to enforce these needs – that her parents aren't able to procure – by hurting herself both physically and mentally. In my opinion, this comportment is comprehensible in reference to the fact that she's a child of divorce and therefore has to fight guilt and disruption. Helen finds herself at the end of her puberty; about to become a woman but partially persisting in a more childish character clinging to her parents.  Maybe her sexual debaucheries are some kind of compensation, counterbalancing the incomprehension of her parents and the entire environment around her. Sexually speaking, Helen is very adult; moreover, she is totally aware of her body as well as of the functions of her genitalia, the shave of pubic hair and the phenomena of her discharges. It is obvious, however, that she's afflicted with some kind of pressure that can be considered as hygiene hysteria.

Korrekturlesen eines Textes: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 02:22 So 08.03.2009
Autor: Database

Das ist der 2. Teil des Textes. Danke.

It is socially presupposed that a woman has to shave her leg hair, armpit hair etc. Helen's in a fix with that: She does cope with the social presupposition but simultaneously has a feeling of self-denegation with it. As a natural explorer, she likes her hair to be sprouting wildly and conduct experiments with an unwashed body and extraordinary masturbation techniques.
But her promiscuous adventures are being changed when she meets the orderly Robin. Her character develops from a merely sex-obsessed young girl to a person who discovers principles of love and care in a more profound and emotional way. Robin is a man who is capable to procure her a feeling of understanding and confidence.
In my opinion, the author of the book, Charlotte Roche, has to be congratulated on her exercise of direct and blatant parlance. It's not a conventional growing-up novel but a pornographic, emotional portrayal of a vulnerable but courageous heroine.
It isn't a book for soft-minded people, but for those who are interested in broadening their horizon in female sex-adventures without being afraid of icky presentations. I can recommend this book to both women and men, but I'd set the minimum age to at least 18 (better 21) and require openness to colloquial language from the reader.

Korrekturlesen eines Textes: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:47 Mo 09.03.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
soweit ich das sehen kann, hast Du nicht nur gut formuliert, sondern auch zwischen die Zeilen und hinter die Kulissen des Buches geschaut.

Ich würde an den Texten nichts ändern - was aber nicht heißt, dass nicht jemand anderes doch was findet was vielleicht zu verfeinern wäre.

Schönen Gruß

Korrekturlesen eines Textes: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 02:20 Do 12.03.2009
Autor: matux

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