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Korrektur Englisch: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:01 Mo 28.09.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Nachmittag

Ich wäre ungemein dankbar um Korrektur (Satzzeichen und Gross- Kleinschreibung müssen nicht beachtet werden)

As already mention the humanity influences the green house concentration since the pre-industrial revolution. As you know since then the human being use the different types of fossil fuels. In the last two century the green house gases increase rapidly and their concentration has been doubled in the meantime.
A few weeks ago I read that this trend has been stopped in the last monthes, as a consequence of the financial crisis. As you can see the unpleasant crisis has also positive effects. But of course this is only a meaningless short-term trend.

As you saw, the antropogenic green house effect is for the temperature increase. Therefore the antropogenic green house effect stands in a close coherence to the global warming.
According the two graphic the green house concentration has increased in the same way as the temperature increased
Simply said, global warming is the consequence of antropogenic green house effect.

Vielen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Korrektur Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:55 Mi 07.10.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
hier einige Korrekturen und Vorschläge:

> As already mentioned the humanity influences the green house gases
> concentration since the pre-industrial revolution. As you
> know since then the human being (anstatt "the human being " passte der Begriff "mankind" hier m.E. besser)  uses the different types of
> fossil fuels. In the last two centuryies the green house gases
> increased rapidly and their concentration has been doubled
> in the meantime.
> A few weeks ago I read that this trend has been stopped in
> the last monthes, as a consequence of the financial crisis.
> As you can see the unpleasant crisis has also positive
> effects. But of course this is only a meaningless
> short-term trend.
> As you saw, the anthropogenic green house effect is (hier fehlt ein Wort, m.E. "responsible") for the
> temperature increase. Therefore the anthropogenic green
> house effect stands in a close coherence to the global
> warming.
> According to the two graphics the green house concentration has
> increased in the same way as the temperature increased
>  Simply said, global warming is the consequence of the
> anthropogenic green house effect.

Wie üblich ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Schönen Gruß

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