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Status Hochschulmathe
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    Status Differentialgl.
    Status Maß/Integrat-Theorie
    Status Funktionalanalysis
    Status Transformationen
    Status UAnaSon
  Status Uni-Lin. Algebra
    Status Abbildungen
    Status ULinAGS
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    Status Determinanten
    Status Eigenwerte
    Status Skalarprodukte
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    Status Sonstiges
  Status Algebra+Zahlentheo.
    Status Algebra
    Status Zahlentheorie
  Status Diskrete Mathematik
    Status Diskrete Optimierung
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    Status Relationen
  Status Fachdidaktik
  Status Finanz+Versicherung
    Status Uni-Finanzmathematik
    Status Uni-Versicherungsmat
  Status Logik+Mengenlehre
    Status Logik
    Status Mengenlehre
  Status Numerik
    Status Lin. Gleich.-systeme
    Status Nichtlineare Gleich.
    Status Interpol.+Approx.
    Status Integr.+Differenz.
    Status Eigenwertprobleme
    Status DGL
  Status Uni-Stochastik
    Status Kombinatorik
    Status math. Statistik
    Status Statistik (Anwend.)
    Status stoch. Analysis
    Status stoch. Prozesse
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
  Status Topologie+Geometrie
  Status Uni-Sonstiges

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
Korrektur < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur: Frage (reagiert)
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 11:17 Mo 13.07.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Ich wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur

I share his image of humanity. Then the history has us teaches/instructed several times, that human being are good by nature. You can see this very obviously by all the wars around the world. Or special in Europe the atrocities in ex Jugoslavia or the totalitarianism especially between the two World Wars. These. regimes didn’t have regard to others. They only think of themselves. To reach their aims they conceive unbelievable concepts. For example Hitler divided human being in different race. For example the master race/ superrace is the highest and Slav race is inferior. He also consider war as a natural state and a permanent struggle for survival. This gave him the permit to conduct war. In my opinion this methods are very similar to Jack, who has the same unbelievable image of human beings.
This book is definitely nothing for bad nerves. The reader is very close by the boys and observe emotional what happens on the island. When the reader realizes in what bad direction the things go, he feels sympathetic to Ralph who lose more and more the control over the boys. When the reader must witness the cruelty how they kill pigs he is shocked, because it’s incredible for a civilized person how a people can act in this way.

Vielen Dank
Gruss DInker

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:24 Do 16.07.2009
Autor: HermineGranger

Hallo DInker

Ersteinmal wäre es hilfreich wenn du weitere Informationen geben könntest. Kurz auf Deutsch wie du etwas ausdrücken möchtest?

Ich habe dir die stellen wo es für mich etwas fraglich ist rot unterstrichen. Was genau willst du da sagen? Manchmal hilft es den Satz auf Deutsch hinzuschreiben als hilfestellung.

I share his image of humanity. Then the history has us
teaches/instructed several times
, that human being are good
by nature. You can see this very obviously by all the wars
around the world. Or special in Europe the atrocities in ex
Jugoslavia or the totalitarianism especially between the
two World Wars.
  These regimes didn’t have regard to
others. They only think of themselves. To reach their aims
they conceive unbelievable concepts. For example Hitler
divided human being in different race. For example the
master race/ superrace is the highest and Slav race is
inferior. He also consider war as a natural state and a
permanent struggle for survival. This gave him the permit
to conduct war. In my opinion this methods are very similar
to Jack, who has the same unbelievable image of human
This book is definitely nothing for bad nerves. The reader
is very close by the boys and observe emotional what
happens on the island.
  When the reader realizes in what bad
direction the things go, he feels sympathetic to Ralph who
lose more and more the control over the boys. When the
reader must witness the cruelty how they kill pigs he is
shocked, because it’s incredible for a civilized person
how a people can act in this way.

Ich kann dir sehr gerne helfen diesen Text zu korrigieren, allerdings versthe ich nicht jso ganz was du mit den rot makierten stellen ausdrücken möchtest.

Liebe Grüße

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