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Geschichte: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:04 Di 03.03.2009
Autor: Marini

What happened to Kevin and Judy?Write the whole story of their adventure.Try not to write more than 300 words.
Write the story in the past tense other tenses in the dialogue.
Ich versichere hiermit, dass ich meine Frage in den letzten 48 Stunden in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt habe.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.
An adventure
yesterday,was a beautiful day the weather was good, but on the evening I have came to the hospital but from the beginning: Judy and I, my name is Kevin , pony trekking to a very beautiful place: We have entdeckt this place in the summer last year we want mountainbiking in the Lake Districtand want to saw the old Moses but we don't found the ghost sondern this place.There gives good trees they spend a lots of Schatten and when you want to swim in the little river of a pond you can spring about this Äste. From there you have a very good show. On the evening we must go walking away, because there we leave the ponys there, we want put it tomorrow. We take a short-cut and of the middel of the way it bebeginns to rain. The mountains are very big and I stept over one. I've brake my feet and Judy don't know what she can do. To luckwe meet the Leinerts, they we met on the way before. They wants to help us and churche a house. A half houer later the mountain rescue came and bring me to the hospital. At this morning I woke up and all were next to me, Judy and the Leinerts. Jenny tell us that she saw a dark figure and she hofft that he was his dad.But than she merkt that the figure don't was his dad.She denkt it was the old Moses.WE tell us many other intresting storys and we versprechen us next year came back.This was trotz this accident a very good trip and we like this accident a very good trip and we like this place very much.

Geschichte: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:43 Mi 04.03.2009
Autor: Englein89

> What happened to Kevin and Judy?Write the whole story of
> their adventure.Try not to write more than 300 words.
>  Write the story in the past tense other tenses in the
> dialogue.

>  An adventure

>  Yesterday (it) was a beautiful day(.) The weather was good, but (i)n
> the evening I (had to go) to (kein the) hospital. But (to start) from the
> beginning: Judy and (me), my name is Kevin , (went to a) pony trekking to
> a very beautiful place: We have (found) this place in the
> last summer (umgedreht) (kein year) when we want(ed to go) mountainbiking in the Lake
> District.
> (We) want(ed) to s(ee) the old Moses but we did not (ausschreiben!) find (die Vergangenheitsform hast du ja schon durch did)
> the ghost (but) this place. There (are! nicht gives - denke Englisch und nicht erst Deutsch, dann Englisch - so hat sich schon so mancher viele unnötige Fehler eingebrockt ;o)) (good ist wohl nicht das was du meinst, eher: big) trees (which)
> spend a lot (kein s) of (shadow) and when you want to swim in the
> little river of a pond you can spring (from) (their) (boughs). From
> there you have a very good (view! Denke bitte Englisch :o)). (I)n the evening we (had to) go
> away, because there we leave the ponys there, we
> want put it tomorrow. [Ich hab keine Ahnung was du mit dem Satz sagen willst] We took (Vergangenheit!) a short-cut (but in) the midd(le)
> of the way it be(gan) to rain. The mountains (were) very big
> and I stept over one. (I broke) my feet and Judy d(id not)
> know what she c(ould) do. (Denke bitte nicht erst Deutsch, dann Englisch! Luckily wäre hier richtig) we met (1xe) the Leinerts, we
> met (them - Schau dir nochmal die richtige Satzstellung an!) on the way before. They want(ed) (he she it, s muss mit - und nur da!) to help us and churche (Was willst du sagen? Kirche ist church, meinst du search, suchen?) a
> house. A half hour (ohne e) later the mountain rescue (was soll das sein?) came and
> brought (Du springst in den Zeiten! Mach dir von vornerein klar, welche Zeit du benutzt, schreib es dir am besten darüber dann vermeidest du viele Fehler!) me to the hospital. This (ohne at, also nicht wie im Deutschen! Aber du meinst eher "The next morning") morning I woke up and all (my friends?)
> were next to me, Judy and the Leinerts. Jenny t(old!" Vergangenheit nicht vergessen!) us that
> she saw (sehr gut) a dark figure and she (hoped) that (it - eine Figur ist neutral) was his dead (dad = Vater, dead = tot).But
> than she (recognized) that the figure (which?) did it (besser ausschreiben!) was his (her?) dad. [Ich habe keine Ahnung was du sagen willst] She (thought)
> it was the old Moses. WE t(old! Vergangenheit) us many other interesting
> stories (!) and we (promised) (ohne us) (we would come back) next year .This was
> (nevertheless) a very good trip and today we like this place very
> much (ich habe es mal umgestellt)

Tipps fürs nächste Mal:
- Denke Englisch! Das erspart dir viele Fehler. Lies am besten nebenbei mal englische Texte!
- Schreib dir die Zeit auf in der du erzählst und springe nicht
- schau dir nochmal die Satzstellungsregeln an
- Schau dir die Verben in den verschiedenen Zeiten an, also bring brought brought usw.

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