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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Fragen Fahrenheit 451
Fragen Fahrenheit 451 < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Fragen Fahrenheit 451: Frage (reagiert)
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 10:00 Mo 24.11.2008
Autor: Dinker

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Um mich auf das mündliche Gespräch vorzubereiten versuche ich die gängigsten Fragen zum Buch zu beantworten.
Auch wenn sie das Buch nicht kennen, könnten Sie mir sehr gut helfen, indem sie mich auf die Fehler hinweisen.

1. Discuss the gradual development of Montag throughout the plot. Compare and contrast him to Beatty.
Montag’s development: At first he is persuade firemen, which task is to burn books and in the end he is a strict opponent of this system.
In the course of the story Montag’s becomes stronger and so he is able to change he’s life.
For this change he needs several persons:
- Through his friendship with Clarisse McClellan, Montag comes to realize that he is not in love with his wife and that he is, in fact, disgusted
- Mildred attempted suicid, Montag realized that they are not at all close
- Montag is unable to forget the image of the old woman, and wonders what in books could possibly inspire so much passion.
- His hunger for humanistic knowledge brings him to Professor Faber, the one educated person that he can trust to reach him.
- Unable to contain his contempt any longer, Montag kills Chief Beatty and sets out  to see Faber, his mentor, before fleeing police and certain death by floating down river.
- Montag's old life is destroyed and he is re-born when he emerges from the river to begin anew
- Talking with Granger and the others around the fire, Montag gains a sense of warmth and personal well-being recover a sense of faith in the future

Contrary to Monday he doesn’t make a  personal development, he is and stay the leader of the to the totalitarian system until his death
Was könnte man hier noch erwöhnen?

2. Make a list of the people in the novel who contribute to Montag's growing self-awareness and explain what they teach him.
Clarisse:  She teaches Montag, that the actual task from firemen is to put out fire and not to set fire she also confront him with the question if he is happy
Old woman: He doesn’t teach Montag directly, despite she has an influence on him, because she evoke his interest in books, because he wants to know why a person prefer to die as to destroy their books.  
Faber: He teaches Montag to understand books and he explains him that books represent people’s thoughts and views
Granger: He teaches him that fire it isn’t only here to destroy things, but fire can also give a warm feeling.

3. Explain the relationship of the title of the book to its meaning.
Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burns.

4. Explain some of the futuristic (fantastic) technological advances seen in the novel.
Mechanical Hound
Can be programmed to detect people by following their smell, injects morphine. The hound represents
government control and manipulation of technology
Television walls and seashell radios
This gadget allow the people a constant escape from reality.
Leider finde ich die Textstelle nicht mehr, aber es wurde doch ein Gerät eingesetzt als Mildred einen Selbstmordversuch unternahm

5. Describe Mildred and contrast her to Montag and Clarisse.
She fits into the system very well, is only interested in money and material possession and represents shallowness and mediocrity
She is totally immersed in a dream electronic world. He has no interesting for Montag and other people, her family is the TV wall.
Mildred Clarisse
To one extreme you have Clarisse, who is a free thinker, which in this society, will lead to her demise.  She is also young and innocent. On the opposite extreme you have Mildred, who is addicted to the empty, vicarious existence offered by the shallow popular culture pumped in through the TV walls.
Mildred is the classic example of an ordinary citizen in contrast Clarisse refuses the entertainment that society offers and prefers to enjoy the outdoors and conversations with her family and she also represents humanism and the integrity.
Mildred Montag
In between the two extremes is Montag.
During Mildred accepts the situation, Monday opposes to the system.
Monday pursues a goal, during that Mildred lives without thinking

6. What does the old lady represent to Montag and how does she affect him?
She represents to Montag the important of books, because she can’t live without books. Montag is unable to forget the image of the old woman, and wonders what in books could possibly inspire so much passion.

7. Is Beatty hypocritical? Fully explain your answer.
Momentan tu ich mich mit dieser Frage sehr schwer, kann mir jemand einen Ansatz dazu geben?

8. What do you consider to be the most important theme of the novel? Why? How is it developed?
In my opinion the main theme in the novel is the emptiness of modern mass culture
People are kept from thinking by the prohibition of books and stupid TV programmes.  Nobody is interested in problems of others and can expect that others understand his problems. Interhuman relations does not exist
Bradbury also share this opinion with me, the he warns of the consequences of excessive consumption and superficial entertainment. And of the loss of human proximity) and genuine feelings (echten Gefühlen) and refers to the dangers of cultural flattening by materialistic thinking and acting

9. Explain the images of death, suicide, and murder in the novel. What are their relationships to the totalitarian society?
Death, suicide, and murder appears to have become something completenormal and daily. The people come and go…
In this society a human life seems to be nearly worthless. The people seem to have to over-drive fun humans.
Die zweite Frage kannich momentan nicht beantworten: What are their relationships to the totalitarian society? Kann mir jemand helfen?

Besten Dank

Fragen Fahrenheit 451: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 12:04 Mo 24.11.2008
Autor: Dinker

10. Fully describe the Mechanical Hound and how it is used?
The Mechanical Hound is a fearsome hunting machine with eight legs. His task is to detect suspicious people. With a needle the mechanical hound injects morphine and procaine to anaesthetize its prey
It’s a very effective instrument to control the people

11. How does Bradbury build suspense in the novel?
Kannst du mir etwas auf die Sprünge helfen? Solche Fragen gehören nicht gerade zu meinen Stärken. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass immer etwas los ist und immer wieder Dinge passieren, oftmals schreckliche Sachen, so dass dem Leser kaum eine Verschnaufpause gegönnt ist.

12. Why is the novel a tragedy? What one small ray of hope is there at the end?
Several people are victims of this system and must die. Here some example:
- The old woman burns herself to death
- Clarisse is killed by a speeding car
- Montag kills Beatty with the flamethrower
- An innocent person must die, because they can’t find Montag after his escape.
At the end this gloomy world is destroy. The book people can return to the city, who will begin rebuilding a more healthy society from its own ashes.

13. Explain the meaning of each of
The hearth, or fireplace, is a traditional symbol of the home; the salamander is one of the official symbols of the firemen, as well as the name they give to their fire trucks. Both of these symbols have to do with fire, the dominant image of Montag's life—the hearth because it contains the fire that heats a home, and the salamander because of ancient beliefs that it lives in fire and is unaffected by flames.
The Sieve and the Sand
The Sieve and the Sand image is used by Bradbury to explain Montag's goal to learn the knowledge he reads in books.  Like sand falling through a sieve, Montag thinks that if he reads fast enough, at least some of the books' wisdom will be retained before it falls through the sieve of his mind.

The other meaning of “the hearth and the Sieve and the Sand  refers to his childhood.  a cousin challenged Guy Montag to fill a sieve with sand in exchange for a dime.  Of course, the more sand that the child Montag put into the sieve, the more sand fell through the holes in the sieve.  This frustrated Guy, causing him to cry.  the three titles given to the parts of the book.
The Hearth and the Salamander

Burning Bright
This title refers to the duality of fire: It is the ultimate destructive element, but also comforting, life affirming and hopeful

14. Explain the importance of the phoenix symbol to the novel
Phoenix is a central motif of the book. Bradbury compares the society with a phoenix, a bird which burns themselves again and again and rebirth from his ashes. The humans acts equal – they destroy their society and rebuilt them. But with the different, that humans can remember on the past and so they have a chance doesn’t do the same mistake again and gain.

15. How did the government gain control over the people of this society?
The government gained control over the people through a process in which they eliminated, over time, literature and media. Therefore the most people aren’t able or interesting  to make their own thought and question things.

16. Explain the images of death, suicide, and murder in the novel. What are their  relationship to the totalitarian society?
These things became very popular in this society. I can see, in this society a human life is nearly worthless. If a human died, this cause nearly none emotion or grief by people.
Kann mir jemand auf die Sprünge helfen eine Beziehung zu jenem System herzustellen?

18. Why do you think Bradbury introduces Clarisse before Montag’s wife, Mildred?
Bin ziemlich ratlos……….. will e runs zeigen, dass es auch noch andere Leute gibt, bevor er Mildred präsentiert, die in Musterbeispiel für jene Gesellschaft ist?

19. Why is Clarisse considered “anti-social” in this society?
Because she doesn’t fit into this systeme, she is different from the most of the other people. then people who are thoughtful, curious, nature-loving, full of empathy are undesired in this society

20. What is Faber’s opinion about books?
In Fabers opinion books represent knowledge and awareness. When you read books, you become different attidude about a theme, finally you can decided which attidude that you share. So you become a broad view of the world.
Kann mir jemand helfen?

Fragen Fahrenheit 451: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:20 Di 09.12.2008
Autor: matux

Fragen Fahrenheit 451: Tipp
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:21 Mo 24.11.2008
Autor: Eumetazoa


In deinem Text sind leider so einige Fehler enthalten.
Ich würde dir allgemein raten, den Text noch einmal komplett durchzugehen und solch grundlegende Dinge wie z. B. Formen wie Singular/Plural, die Fälle oder auch Satzstellung zu verbessern.
Häufig hast du das "s" in Bezug auf "he, she, it" vergessen, das wohl eher unnötige Flüchtigkeitsfehler.
Insgesamt solltest du vielleicht auch kürzere Sätze schreiben, das liest sich leichter und du verzettelst sich nicht so schnell.

Montag’s development: At first he is a fireman/firefighter (Singular) , whose task is to burn books and in the end he becomes a strict opponent of this system.
In the course of the story Montag becomes stronger and so he is able to change his. "He's" bedeutet "he is" life.
For this change he needs several persons:
- Through his friendship with Clarisse McClellan, Montag realizes that he is not in love with his wife and that he is, in fact, disgusted Von wem angeekelt? Das würde ich hier erwähnen.
- M. attempts to commit suicide. Was der zweite Satz bedeuten soll, erschließt sich mir nicht ganz.
- Montag is unable to forget the image of the old woman, and wonders which topic mentioned in a book can bring/cause so much passion
- His hunger for humanistic knowledge brings him to Professor Faber, the one educated person that he can trust to reach him. Den Satz würde ich komplett umformulieren...
Hier kannst du dir die einzelnen Begriffe heraussuchen und zum Beispiel die jeweiligen Zeitformen ersehen.

Viele Grüße.

Fragen Fahrenheit 451: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:23 Fr 19.12.2008
Autor: Eliss

Hallo Dinker,

meiner Meinung nach ist diese Diskussion nicht von sehr großem Nutzen für dich.
Wir haben letztes Jahr eine mündliche Schulaufgabe in Englisch geschrieben und im Rahmen dieser habe ich natürlich auch geübt. Und festgestellt, dass das schriftliche überhaupt nichts bringt.
Man kann sich zwar überlegen was man sagt, aber wenn die Frage dann nur ein kleines bisschen variiert drankommt, nutzt dir deine überlegte Antwort überhaupt nichts. Bei mündlichen Prüfungen kommt es auf deine sprachliche Gewandheit an, wie du etwas umschreiben kannst, wenn du den Fachbegriff nicht kennst, auf deine Aussprache, auf dein Sprachgefühl und auch wie schnell und genau du Fragen beantwortest. Es empfiehlt sich viel mehr das Sprechen zu üben, in der Schule, zu Hause, vor dem  Spiegel, im Prinzip überall.
Lass doch mal einen Freund, Elternteil, Lehrer dich die Fragen mündlich fragen, da passen auch solche Antworten, die du schriftlich formulierst überhaupt nicht, das ist eine super Übung. Oder schlag deinem Englischlehrer vor, diese Situation zu üben, weil wenn du dann kein Wort rausbringst, nur weil ein Lehrer dabei ist, hast du auch verloren.
Wenn du die Antwort auf eine der klassischen Fragen nicht übersetzten kannst, nutzte die Möglichkeit Wörterbuch oder umschreibe die Antwort.
Und wenn dir dann ein Fachwort fehlt, oder ein guter sprachlicher Ausdruck, wie man z.B. seine Antwort einleitet, dann kannst du hier immer noch das als Frage reinstellen und dann wird dir auch geholfen.
Weil der ganze Text ist echt seeeeeeeeeehr lang.
Und noch was: Wenn wir schriftliche Fehler korrigieren, ist das eh umsonst, da die Prüfung mündlich ist.


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