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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Film Wiedergabe
Film Wiedergabe < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Film Wiedergabe: korrektur-Grammatik
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:50 Do 12.05.2011
Autor: Muellermilch

Hallo :)
Könnt ihr bitte eine Korrekturlesung durchführen?
Ich habe bedenken, bei der Grammatik.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!

As son of the British King George V. it is the duty of Prince Albert, called Bertie, to gives public speechs.  Albert suffers from a stammer problem. No doctor as well as no psychologist can help him, therefore his wife Elizabeth to  herself to the therapist Lionel Logue. With his appearance and the unconventional methods of treatment, he pushes his aristocratic patients firstly to snub. But soon first success i shown. After the death of his father and the abdication of his brother Edward VIII, because of his love for the divorced Wallis Simpson, Bertie become, under the name George VI., the new king of England. Public appearances and radio addresses are harder to compass even less than before, and the threat of war increased the pressure on the shy king. Admittedly, the growing cooperation and friendship with Logue helps him to overcome his stammer and in the end his people are inspired of his radio speech.


Film Wiedergabe: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 00:50 Fr 13.05.2011
Autor: Eisfisch

> Hallo :)
>  Könnt ihr bitte eine Korrekturlesung durchführen?
>  Ich habe bedenken, bei der Grammatik.
>  Vielen Dank im Voraus!
> As son of the British King George V. it is the duty of
> Prince Albert, called Bertie, to gives (hier: den Infinitiv einsetzen, hast du doch beinahe schon richtig, aber 1 Buchstabe zuviel -> to give) public speechs.  
> Albert suffers from a stammer problem. No doctor as well as
> no psychologist can help him, therefore his wife Elizabeth
> to  herself to the therapist Lionel Logue. (hinter therefore.. fehlt wohl ein geeignetes Verb) With his
> appearance and the unconventional methods of treatment, he
> pushes his aristocratic patients (Plural?) firstly to snub. But soon
> first success is shown. After the death of his father and
> the abdication of his brother Edward VIII, because of (oder: due to.. his love) his
> love for the divorced Wallis Simpson, Bertie become,he she it, das s muss mit -> becomes under
> the name George VI., the new king of England. Satzstellung: becomes the new kiong.. under the name.. Public
> appearances and radio addresses are harder to compass even
> less than before, and the threat of war increased the
> pressure on the shy king. Admittedly, the growing
> cooperation and friendship with Logue helps him to overcome
> his stammer and in the end his people are inspired of statt of würde ich  by verwenden his
> radio speech.
> Gruß,
>  Muellermilch

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