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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Eurokom
Eurokom < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Eurokom: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:06 So 11.11.2007
Autor: viva

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.  

Also ich habe am Mittwoch meine Eurokom...
könnte mir bitte jemand diesen Text korrigieren?
Und 1 Frage noch ... wie spricht man den 31th oktober in englisch aus?



I choosed halloween, because i wanted to talk about a holiday and my friend advised me that this a easy and interesting topic for the eurokom is.

Halloween is an old custom, that the irish people celebrate on the night of  31th october.
Later they carried the celebration to North America.  Some people suppose that Halloween comes from the celtic, because on the 31th October they also celebrated Samhain.
The celtic used to trust that the ghosts can communicate to the people on Samhain.
The word Halloween means usually All Hallows’ Evening.

But Halloween has a lot of critic.
The evangelic doesn’t like Halloween because it represent Satanism.
And it’s just profiteering. The people buy more Halloween Products  for example pumpkins and sweets.

Since 1990 some of the germans also celebrate Halloween.
The little kids wear magical and scary customs. Some of these costumes are ghosts, witches,
zombies, black cats, spiders and monsters. The customs are scary because they’re frighten the dead . The kids went to some houses and knocking at the doors. Then they’re say”trick or treating”.
The children play tricks on them, if the people don’t give sweets.
Sometimes they bedaub letterboxes and doors with eggs . Actually cars are getting damaged.

On Halloween the people carve spooky faces in the pumpkins, so they’re scare the bad ghosts.
The pumpkins originated in mexico about 9000 years ago.
Pumkins weigh from 15 until 30 pounds.

The traditional colours of Halloween are orange and black.
Black symbolizes the night, witches, black cats, bats, and vampires.
Orange the pumpkins, fall, and fire.

Okay I hope you enjoyed it!


Eurokom: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:14 So 11.11.2007
Autor: Ailien.

Huhu =)
Also erstmal das Datum: thirty-one(th) of october. Das th muss erklingen ;)
So nun zu deinem Text:
I chose (choose, chose, chosen) halloween, because i wanted to talk about a holiday and my friend gave me the advise, that this is an easy and interesting topic for the eurokom .
Halloween is an old custom, which celebrate the irish people in the night of the 31th of october .
Later they carried the celebration to North America.  Some people suppose that Halloween comes from the celtic, because on the 31th October they also celebrated Samhain.
The celtic used to trust that the ghosts can communicate to the people on Samhain.
The word Halloween means usually All Hallows’ Evening.
But Halloween gets   a lot of critic.
The evangelic don´t   like Halloween because it represent s Satanism.
And it’s just profiteering. The people buy many Halloween Products  for example pumpkins and sweets.
Since 1990 some of the german also celebrate Halloween.
The little kids are wearing magical and scary customs. Some of these costumes are ghosts, witches,
zombies, black cats, spiders and monsters. The customs are scary because they’re frighten ing the dead . The kids are going to some houses and knocking on the doors. Then they’re say ing ”trick or treating”.
The children play tricks on them, if the people don’t give sweets.
Sometimes they bedaub letterboxes and doors with eggs . Actually cars are getting damaged.   (schöne Satzkonstruktion :-))
On Halloween the people carve spooky faces in the pumpkins, so they’re scare ing away the bad ghosts.
The pumpkins originated in M exico about 9000 years ago.
Pumkins weigh from 15 until 30 pounds.

The traditional colours of Halloween are orange and black.
Black symbolizes the night, witches, black cats, bats, and vampires.
Orange the pumpkins, fall, and fire.

Okay I hope you enjoyed it!

So dann viel Glück am Mittwoch =)

Eurokom: Kleine Korrektur
Status: (Korrektur) kleiner Fehler Status 
Datum: 23:55 Mo 12.11.2007
Autor: rainerS

Hallo, mir sind noch zwei Kleinigkeiten aufgefallen:

>  Halloween is an old custom, which celebrate the irish

Da sind Subjekt (the irish) und Objekt (which) ein bischen durcheinander geraten.

Besser" "which was originally celebrated by the Irish people"

>  The little kids are wearing magical and scary customs.

Schreibfehler: "costumes", nicht "customs". Im übernächsten Satz nochmal.

Viele Grüße

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