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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - English essay
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English essay: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 19:39 Di 11.12.2012
Autor: julietteb

Guten Abend miteindander,
Ich soll für die Schule einen Text auf englisch schreiben. Die Idee ist, dass er in "formal language" geschrieben ist. Dies habe ich auch versucht, bzw immer it is not anstatt it isn't geschrieben. Ich würde mich sehr über eine Korrektur von jemandem freuen.
Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend.

The education in England verses education in Switzerland
Which one’s better? Are there more similarities or differences?

The compulsory education in Switzerland is from age six to age fifteen, alternatively in England the children go to school form age five to age sixteen.  The teachers in Switzerland are freer with the curriculum, because they can decide on their own, what exactly they want to do during the lessons, whereas in England the teachers have all the same curriculum. ... diesen Text hier...
90% of the children in England go to state schools, similarly to Switzerland where also most of the children go to state schools.
In Switzerland a school year goes from August to July with to terms, each is about 19 weeks. Whereas in England a school year goes from September to July and it is divided into three terms, each endures 13 weeks.
While the children in Switzerland usually go to school from 8.20 am until 3.00 pm, the English children spend their time from 9.00 am until 3.30 pm on the school table. At the lunch break, the children in Switzerland usually go home and eat with their family (or only their mothers), on the other hand, the children in England eat their meal at the cafeteria, mostly packed lunches.
The primary school in Switzerland goes from age six to twelve, in England from age five to eleven. Both countries have mostly co-educational schools. The two countries are similar in that the students have their mother language (German, Italian, French or Romansh) or English, science and mathematics as main subjects. England is different from Switzerland, in that the children do not have to learn one or two foreign languages.
From age twelve to fifteen the children in Switzerland are obligated to visit the secondary school, whereas in England the children visit the secondary school from age eleven to sixteen and seventeen to eighteen. The subjects in both countries are comprehensive.
The further education in these countries is various.  Most students in Switzerland make an apprenticeship, at the end they take a final exam and get a certificate, some go to grammar school and take a final exam, the matura (comparable to A-Levels) and they can also make an apprenticeship which includes the matura. Alternatively in England, firstly the students can take the GSCE at age sixteen, in ten subjects, secondly the AS Levels in three or four subjects at age 17 and thirdly the A Levels in three subjects for university entrance.
Based on this information everyone can decide on his own, which country its educational system he prefers.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

English essay: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:42 Di 11.12.2012
Autor: chrisno


mit meiner üblichen Warnung, dass ich keine besondere Qualifikation im Englischen habe:

>  The education in England verses
> education in Switzerland

The streichen education genauer eingrenzen oder educational system oder school system

>  Which one’s better? Are there more similarities or
> differences?
> The compulsory education in Switzerland is from age six to
> age

dieses age streichen

> fifteen, alternatively

alternaticely ist falsch

> in England the children go to
> school form age five to age sixteen.

age streichen

> The teachers in
> Switzerland are freer

more free

> with the curriculum, because they can
> decide on their own, what exactly they want to do during
> the lessons, whereas in England the teachers have all the
> same curriculum. ... diesen Text hier...
>  90% of the children in England go to state schools,
> similarly to Switzerland where also most of the children go
> to state schools.
>  In Switzerland a school year goes

das Schuljahr wandert nicht

> from August to July with
> to terms, each is


> about 19 weeks. Whereas

Anbindung mit Whereas nicht richtig

> in England a
> school year goes from

wie oben

> September to July and it is divided
> into three terms, each endures

die erdulden nicht, nimm wieder lastst

>  13 weeks.
>  While the children in Switzerland usually go to


> school
> from 8.20 am until 3.00 pm, the English children spend
> their time from 9.00 am until 3.30 pm on the school table.

sicher nicht auf dem Tisch. Was meinst Du?

> At the

the streichen

> lunch break, the

the streichen

> children in Switzerland usually go
> home and eat with their family (or only their mothers), on
> the other hand, the children in England eat their meal at
> the cafeteria, mostly packed lunches.
>  The primary school in Switzerland goes

wie oben

> from age six to
> twelve, in England from age five to eleven. Both countries
> have mostly co-educational schools. The two countries are
> similar in that the students have
> their mother language
> (German, Italian, French or Romansh) or English, science
> and mathematics as main subjects. England is different from
> Switzerland, in that the children do not have to learn one
> or two foreign languages.

Lieber noch einmal mit "In England" anfangen, "children do not have ...., compared to one ore two in Switzerland."

>  From age twelve to fifteen the

the streichen

> children in Switzerland are
> obligated to visit the secondary school, whereas in England
> the children visit the secondary school from age eleven to
> sixteen and seventeen to eighteen. The subjects in both
> countries are comprehensive.
> The further education in these countries is various.  Most
> students in Switzerland make an apprenticeship, at the end
> they take a final exam and get a certificate, some go to
> grammar school and take a final exam, the matura
> (comparable to A-Levels) and they can also make an
> apprenticeship which includes the matura. Alternatively in
> England, firstly the students can take the GSCE at age
> sixteen, in ten subjects, secondly the AS Levels in three
> or four subjects at age 17 and thirdly the A Levels in
> three subjects for university entrance.


>  Based on this information everyone can decide on his own,
> which country its educational system he prefers.

Das war nur eine rasche Durchsicht, vielleicht kommt von anderen noch mehr.

English essay: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:04 Mi 12.12.2012
Autor: julietteb

Vielen herzlichen Dank! Aber was soll ich beim Schuljahr, "welches nicht wandert" schreiben, lasts würde gehen, aber dann hätte ich 4 mal hintereinander ein lasts. Und wie könnte ich ein whereas richtig einbauen? Und soll ich das admission an der Stelle von information schreiben?
Liebe Grüsse und einen schönen Abend> Hallo,

> mit meiner üblichen Warnung, dass ich keine besondere
> Qualifikation im Englischen habe:
> >  The education in England verses

> > education in Switzerland
>  The streichen education genauer eingrenzen oder
> educational system oder school system
>  versus
> >  Which one’s better? Are there more similarities or

> > differences?
>  >  
> > The compulsory education in Switzerland is from age six to
> > age
> dieses age streichen
>  > fifteen, alternatively

> alternaticely ist falsch
>  > in England the children go to

> > school form age five to age sixteen.
>  age streichen
>  > The teachers in

> > Switzerland are freer
> more free
>  > with the curriculum, because they can

> > decide on their own, what exactly they want to do during
> > the lessons, whereas in England the teachers have all the
> > same curriculum. ... diesen Text hier...
>  >  90% of the children in England go to state schools,
> > similarly to Switzerland where also most of the children go
> > to state schools.
>  >  In Switzerland a school year goes
> das Schuljahr wandert nicht
>  > from August to July with

> > to terms, each is
>  lasts
>  > about 19 weeks. Whereas

> Anbindung mit Whereas nicht richtig
>  > in England a

> > school year goes from
> wie oben
>  > September to July and it is divided

> > into three terms, each endures
>  die erdulden nicht, nimm wieder lastst
>  >  13 weeks.
>  >  While the children in Switzerland usually go to
> attend
>  > school

> > from 8.20 am until 3.00 pm, the English children spend
> > their time from 9.00 am until 3.30 pm on the school table.
>  sicher nicht auf dem Tisch. Was meinst Du?
> > At the
> the streichen
>  > lunch break, the

> the streichen
>  > children in Switzerland usually go

> > home and eat with their family (or only their mothers), on
> > the other hand, the children in England eat their meal at
> > the cafeteria, mostly packed lunches.
>  >  The primary school in Switzerland goes
> wie oben
>  > from age six to

> > twelve, in England from age five to eleven. Both countries
> > have mostly co-educational schools. The two countries are
> > similar in that the students have
>  > their mother language

> > (German, Italian, French or Romansh) or English, science
> > and mathematics as main subjects. England is different from
> > Switzerland, in that the children do not have to learn one
> > or two foreign languages.
>  Lieber noch einmal mit "In England" anfangen, "children do
> not have ...., compared to one ore two in Switzerland."
> >  From age twelve to fifteen the

> the streichen
>  > children in Switzerland are

> > obligated to visit the secondary school, whereas in England
> > the children visit the secondary school from age eleven to
> > sixteen and seventeen to eighteen. The subjects in both
> > countries are comprehensive.
> > The further education in these countries is various.  Most
> > students in Switzerland make an apprenticeship, at the end
> > they take a final exam and get a certificate, some go to
> > grammar school and take a final exam, the matura
> > (comparable to A-Levels) and they can also make an
> > apprenticeship which includes the matura. Alternatively in
> > England, firstly the students can take the GSCE at age
> > sixteen, in ten subjects, secondly the AS Levels in three
> > or four subjects at age 17 and thirdly the A Levels in
> > three subjects for university entrance.
>  admission
>  >  Based on this information everyone can decide on his
> own,
> > which country its educational system he prefers.
> >
> Das war nur eine rasche Durchsicht, vielleicht kommt von
> anderen noch mehr.

English essay: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:26 Mi 12.12.2012
Autor: julietteb

Und wann kann ich "the children" schreiben und wann nur "children"?
Vielen Dank & einen schönen Abend

English essay: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:30 Mi 12.12.2012
Autor: chrisno

ich möchte möglichst nicht Deinen Aufsatz schreiben. Die pauschale Regel für die Verwendung von the oder nicht lautet: probiere es ohne. Wenn das geht, dann lass es weg.

> Vielen herzlichen Dank! Aber was soll ich beim Schuljahr,
> "welches nicht wandert" schreiben, lasts würde gehen, aber
> dann hätte ich 4 mal hintereinander ein lasts. Und wie
> könnte ich ein whereas richtig einbauen? Und soll ich das
> admission an der Stelle von information schreiben?
>  Liebe Grüsse und einen schönen Abend> Hallo,

> >
> > mit meiner üblichen Warnung, dass ich keine besondere
> > Qualifikation im Englischen habe:
>  >  
> > >  The education in England verses

> > > education in Switzerland
>  >  The streichen education genauer eingrenzen oder
> > educational system oder school system
>  >  versus
>  >  
> > >  Which one’s better? Are there more similarities or

> > > differences?
>  >  >  
> > > The compulsory education in Switzerland is from age six to
> > > age
> > dieses age streichen
>  >  > fifteen, alternatively

> > alternaticely ist falsch
>  >  > in England the children go to

> > > school form age five to age sixteen.
>  >  age streichen
>  >  > The teachers in

> > > Switzerland are freer
> > more free
>  >  > with the curriculum, because they can

> > > decide on their own, what exactly they want to do during
> > > the lessons, whereas in England the teachers have all the
> > > same curriculum. ... diesen Text hier...
>  >  >  90% of the children in England go to state schools,
> > > similarly to Switzerland where also most of the children go
> > > to state schools.
>  >  >  In Switzerland a school year goes
> > das Schuljahr wandert nicht

starts in August and finishes in July

>  >  > from August to July with

> > > to terms, each is
>  >  lasts
>  >  > about 19 weeks.

each having a length of about 19 weeks.

> > > Whereas
> > Anbindung mit Whereas nicht richtig

In comprison,

>  >  > in England a

> > > school year goes from
> > wie oben
>  >  > September to July and it is divided

> > > into three terms, each endures
>  >  die erdulden nicht, nimm wieder lastst
>  >  >  13 weeks.
>  >  >  While the children in Switzerland usually go to
> > attend
>  >  > school

> > > from 8.20 am until 3.00 pm, the English children spend
> > > their time from 9.00 am until 3.30 pm on the school table.
>  >  sicher nicht auf dem Tisch. Was meinst Du?
> > > At the
> > the streichen
>  >  > lunch break, the

> > the streichen
>  >  > children in Switzerland usually go

> > > home and eat with their family (or only their mothers), on
> > > the other hand, the children in England eat their meal at
> > > the cafeteria, mostly packed lunches.
>  >  >  The primary school in Switzerland goes
> > wie oben
>  >  > from age six to

> > > twelve, in England from age five to eleven. Both countries
> > > have mostly co-educational schools. The two countries are
> > > similar in that the students have
>  >  > their mother language

> > > (German, Italian, French or Romansh) or English, science
> > > and mathematics as main subjects. England is different from
> > > Switzerland, in that the children do not have to learn one
> > > or two foreign languages.
>  >  Lieber noch einmal mit "In England" anfangen, "children
> do
> > not have ...., compared to one ore two in Switzerland."
>  >  
> > >  From age twelve to fifteen the

> > the streichen
>  >  > children in Switzerland are

> > > obligated to visit the secondary school, whereas in England
> > > the children visit the secondary school from age eleven to
> > > sixteen and seventeen to eighteen. The subjects in both
> > > countries are comprehensive.
> > > The further education in these countries is various.  Most
> > > students in Switzerland make an apprenticeship, at the end
> > > they take a final exam and get a certificate, some go to
> > > grammar school and take a final exam, the matura
> > > (comparable to A-Levels) and they can also make an
> > > apprenticeship which includes the matura. Alternatively in
> > > England, firstly the students can take the GSCE at age
> > > sixteen, in ten subjects, secondly the AS Levels in three
> > > or four subjects at age 17 and thirdly the A Levels in
> > > three subjects for university entrance.
>  >  admission

admission anstelle von entrance

>  >  >  Based on this information everyone can decide on his
> > own,
> > > which country its educational system he prefers.
> > >
> > Das war nur eine rasche Durchsicht, vielleicht kommt von
> > anderen noch mehr.

English essay: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:15 Fr 14.12.2012
Autor: julietteb

Vielen herzlichen Dank!!

English essay: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:20 Do 13.12.2012
Autor: matux

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