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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - English Korrektur
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English Korrektur: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:49 Do 18.10.2012
Autor: Mr.Duke

Please write short answers.
Can Michael have some information about London?
Yes, he can.
a) Does the first bus leave at 7?
No, it doesn't.
b) Is the Changing of the Guard at Piccadilly Circus?
No, he isn't.
c) Will the bus leave from Trafalgar Square?
Yes, it will.
d) May Michael smoke inside the bus?
No, he may not.
e) Will they travel by taxi?
No, they will not.
f) Does Michael have a map of London?
Yes, he does.

Please translate:
a) Wie geht es dir? Mir geht es nicht sehr gut.
…      How are you? I'm not feeling very well.
b) Ich habe vor einer Stunde gekündigt.
…      I have canceled an hour ago.
c) Ich musste immer seine Fehler vertuschen.
…      I always had to cover up his mistakes.
d) Er machte mich für alles verantwortlich.
…      He made me responsible for everything.
e) Wir wollten zusammen in eine Wohnung ziehen.
…      We wanted to move into a flat together.
f) Mach dir keine Sorgen.
…      Don't worry.

Please write a conversation in a travel agent’s. You would like to have some information about London.
Begin like this and write about 10 sentences:
Clerk: Can I help you, sir? (madam?)
(You): I’d like to have some information about London.
That's no problem, what do you want to know?
Where can I go to a sightseeing tour?
That's a difficult question because I don't know what kind of sights you
want to see.
What are the choices?
You could see Buckingham Palace,the St. Paul`s Cathedral, or
Trafalgar Square.
I'm not sure.
Then I would suggest a guided tour which takes you to all popular
That sounds great. Where can I find guided tours?
There is a bus leaving every full hour from Trafalgar Square.
Thanks very much for your help.
No problem. Good-bye.

Please write short answers. Use pronouns and short forms.
Does Mrs Davenport need some bread?
Yes, she does.
a) Is Mr Davenport reading the paper?
Yes, he is.
b) Are Kevin and Ralph playing tennis?
No, they aren't.
c) Can Mr Davenport go back to work soon.
No, he can't.
d) May Ralph visit Pete?
Yes, he may.
e) Will Carol move to Milton Keynes?
No, she will not.
f) Did Mr Davenport fix dinner yesterday?
Yes, he did.
g) Do the Davenports live in a large house?
Yes, they do.

Please translate.
a) Es geht mir schon viel besser.
         I'm already feeling much better.
b) Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass ich meinen Arm nicht mehr bewegen konnte.
         I had the impression that I couldn't use my arm.
c) Ein Mann, den ich nicht kenne, kam um mir zu helfen.
         A man who I don't know came to help me.
d) Er hatte einen Herzanfall und ist auf den Arm gefallen. So hat er ihn dann gebrochen.
          He had a heart attack and fell on his arm. That's how he broke it.
e) Während die Familie noch arbeitet, bereitet Mr Davenport das Abendessen vor.
         While the family is still working, Mr Davenport is preparing the
f) Das ist schrecklich für ihn, dass er abnehmen soll.
         That's terrible for him, that he should lose weight.

Please connect the two sentences according the example.
Example: The car is red. It’s Mr Brown’s new car.
The car which is red is Mr Brown’s new car.
a) Kevin watches a man. It is the bank manager.
         Kevin watches a man who is the bank manager.
b) Carol likes cooking. She will prepare the dinner.
         Carol who likes cooking will prepare the dinner.
c) Michael knows the girl. Her mother works at the hospital.
         Michael knows the girl whose mother works at the hospital.
d) Mr Davenport likes being busy. He has to take it easy now.
         Mr Davenport who likes being busy has to take it easy now.
e) Colin invited the boy. Sally talked to the boy at the party yesterday.
         Colin invited the boy who Sally talked to at the party yesterday.

Please write a conversation at the grocer’s or supermarket. Ask for things.
Begin like this:
Shop assistant: Can I help you, sir (madam)?
You: Yes, I’d like a pound of tomatoes, please.
Shop assistant: Is there anything else ...
Please write about 10 sentences.
You:                            Yes, do you have some apples or oranges?
Shop assistant:           Yes , sir here they are.
You:                            But they doesn't look so good. I want fresh ones.
                                   When does the new delivery arrive with fresh               apples and oranges?
Shop assistant:          Tomorrow morning, sir.
You:                            Okay, I'm going to buy them tomorrow.
                                   I need two bottles of coke, one bottle of wine and
                                   six bottles of water.
Shop assistant:          That's no problem here they are.
You:                            And finally a loaf of bread, please.
Shop assistant:          Here are your groceries, sir.
You:                            Thank you very much. Good bye.
Shop assistant:          Bye,Bye.

Define the objects and people.
Example: A nurse / person / to look after patients
A nurse is a person who looks after patients.
a) A postman / person / to bring ...
         A postman is a person who brings parcels and letters.
b) A city map / thing / to show where the streets are
         A city map is a thing which shows where the streets are.
c) A doctor / person / to examine ...
         A doctor is a person who examines people.
d) A bookshop / place / to buy ...
         A bookshop is a place where you can buy books.
e) A flat / place / to live
         A flat is a place where people live.
f) A grocer / person / to sell ...
         A grocer is a person who sells groceries.

Please translate.
a) Linda macht viele Dinge selbst.
         Linda makes many things herself.
b) Sie backt nicht immer das Brot selbst, nur wenn sie genug Zeit hat.
         She doesn't bake always the bread herself, only when she has enough time.
c) Pete sagt: „Ich habe deinen Bruder nicht nach dem Alter seiner Freundin gefragt.“
         Pete says: I haven't asked your brother about the age of his girlfriend.
d) Wir könnten uns einige Bilder vom letzten Urlaub ansehen.
         We could look at some picture about the last holiday.
e) „Das sind nicht meine Socken. Meine sind rot und grün gestreift,“ antwortet Carol.
         „That are not my socks. Mine are red and green stripped” answers
f) Linda hat dieses wunderschöne Kleid ganz allein gemacht.
         Linda has made this beautiful dress all by herself.

Please put in the missing pronouns or possessive adjectives.
a) Linda made the jam .herself.
b) Her.. husband paints many pictures .himself.
c) Kevin: “This is my book. It is .mine.”
d) “Where is the newspaper?” “I don’t know where .it. is.”
e) “Where are the rolls?” “I think Pete put .them. in the kitchen.”
f) Carol: “This picture shows .me. (mich) and Pete.”

Leider bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher.

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

English Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:08 Do 18.10.2012
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
hier mal ein Anfang - ich habe nur wenig Zeit.

Vorweg: kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.
Aber es gibt ja noch andere hier.

> b) Is the Changing of the Guard at Piccadilly Circus?
>  No, he isn't.

da muss "it" statt "he" hin, weil der Wachwechsel keine Person ist.

>  d) May Michael smoke inside the bus?
> No, he may not.

Wenn es ausdrücklich verboten ist im Bus zu rauchen, nimm "must not".

> Please translate:

>  b) Ich habe vor einer Stunde gekündigt.
>  …      I have canceled an hour ago.


Soweit fürs erste - vielleicht bis später nochmal.

Schönen Gruß

English Korrektur: Sieht gut aus
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:57 Do 18.10.2012
Autor: Infinit

Hallo Mr.Duke,
der Rest der Übung sieht gut aus. Bei "Translate" sind die Socken jedoch "striped" und nicht "stripped".

Viele Grüße,

English Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:24 Do 18.10.2012
Autor: mmhkt

Hallo nochmal,
mir sind noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten aufgefallen:

>  b) Sie backt nicht immer das Brot selbst, nur wenn sie
> genug Zeit hat.
>           She doesn't bake always the bread herself, only
> when she has enough time.

"always" gehört vor "bake"

>  c) Pete sagt: „Ich habe deinen Bruder nicht nach dem
> Alter seiner Freundin gefragt.“
>           Pete says: I haven't asked your brother about the
> age of his girlfriend.

mir würde diese Formulierung besser gefallen: [...]brother about his girlfriend's age.

>  d) Wir könnten uns einige Bilder vom letzten Urlaub
> ansehen.
>           We could look at some picture about the last
> holiday.

"[...]pictures of[...]

Schönen Restabend

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