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Englisch Sätze: Frage (für Interessierte)
Status: (Frage) für Interessierte Status 
Datum: 13:51 Mo 09.11.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Nachmittag

Ich wäre unglaublich dankbar, wenn jemand dies lesen könnte.
Es ist nicht so wichtig, ob hie und da ein kleiner Rechtschreibefehler vorkommt. Die Sätze sollten jedoch stylistisch und grammatikalisch für einen Muttersprachler vernünftig klingen.

I welcome you to my presentation. I'm glad that so many people are coming. The next fifteen minutes you will learn more about the green house effect and the consequences of this process, global warming.

The topic is more current than ever. Everyone seems to speak about it:
Nearly everyday you can find a new headline about the Greenhouse effect and global warming. I collect some newspaper article from the last weeks: I will read some of these headlines: "It's very likely that human activities are responsible for global warming", "Global Warming - the major cause of natural disasters", "The world getting hotter", "Ice melting more rapidly than expected", "polar bears in danger", The north pole will be ice free until 2040".
Further reasons why I have choice this topic are: It's something that concern everyone of us, so it's a global issue. It will have significance influences on the earth future and influence all area, from economic, egological until migration. A survey of the Federal office of statistic shows that more than 75% procent are worried about the consequences.
The importance of this topic confirm also the researcher Doctor James Hansen (Einspielen).
Despite of the significancy of this topic, the most people doesn't know what exactly is the greenhouse ffect and how it works. But this Fact I will change with my presentation.

Let's me start with taking a look on the overview.
First of all I will show how the greenhouse effect function and how the humanity influence the this process negative.
Next you will learn what are the consequences of the anthropogenic Greenhouse effect.
Later I will take a look in the future by showing what we have to expect. Afterwards I will make a link to our profession. Finally I will sum up the most important and try to answer your questions.
The aim of this presentation is that everyone of you know what greenhouse effect means and imagination about the possible consequences and have an understanding for the coherence between Greenhouse Effec, Global Warming and Temperature increase.
But I don't restrict my presentation only on Greenhouse effects and global warming, because a lot of phenomens have a close coherence to this topic.

So That everyone understand about what I speak I will fix a word list on the board.  

What do you think, when you hear the world greenhouse effect. Do you link it with something positiv or negative?
As you can see on these pictures the natural greenhouse effect is for our life absolutely negative. It is responsible that the earth average temperature is + 14°C instead of -18°C.
Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be a cold uninhabited place, comparable with the mars.
How the Green House effect works 7
Let us take a look how the greenhouse effect function and warms up the earth temperature.
This process is compareable with a greenhouse. As you can see the sunlight pass the greenhouse glasses. Some of the radiation is trapped in the greenhouse and warm up the space so that the plants have the ideal climate.

This process is conveyable on the earth greenhouse effect.
The earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of visible light. About 50 percent of the solar energy radiation reaches the surface, where it is absorbed and converts into heat, the infrared rays. These radiation are trapped from the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and warm up the earth in the same way as the greenhouse.

As you say the earth works like a hug greenhouse.

Since the pre-industrial revolutionat the beginning of the 19th century, the humanity influences this natual process. By the combustion of fossil fuels are developed green houses gases. As a result the concentration of the greenhouse gases have increased. The consequence is, that more infrared rays
are absorbed by the green houses gases and the temperature on earth increases further. Meantime 30 percent of the green house gases in the atmosphere are man-made and every year the concentration of greenhouse gases increase further.

Now the question is, what is the coherence between the process on the earth and a greenhouse. Of course there must be a conncection, otherwise this proecess wouldn't call Greenhouse effect.
The visible energy from the sun pass through the glass and heats the ground. So that the plants find the ideal climate.

For a better understanding I will illustrate the antrhopogenic greenhouse effect with a scale.
The heat input from the sun and the heat lost from the earth by radiation stand in balance. But now human activities disturb this balance, so that less heat leave the earth and warm up the atmosphere. What are the soncequences of the antropogenic greenhouse effect you will learn later.

Let me turn to the greenhouse gases. As you have learnt greenhouse gases have the quality to keep back the infrared radiation.
Although greenhouse gases make up only about 1 percent of the earth's atmosphere, you could see they have a crucial influence of the climate regulation.
Among the green house gases are distinguished difference classes.
With 56 percent Carbon Dioxide is the main causer of the Anthopogenic Greenhouse Effect. This gases is mainly build through fossil fuels..The rainforest. deforestation influences also negative the Carbon Dioxide concentration.
The second most significant green house gase is methane, that is developed through factory farming, garbage dumps or fertilisation. There are further green house gases as Chlorofluorocarbons, ozone and nitrous oxide
You can see that the different green house gases have a life cycle between ten years until 500 years. So when we take today an action to reduce the green house gases emission the result is visible first in several decades.
The emission of green house gases on the world are different. For example an American causes 13 times more green house gases than an Indian. For example the ten most powerful ndustrial countries are responsible for almost fifty percent of the greenhouse emission.

The development of green house Gases 13
As already mention the humanity influences the green house concentration since the pre-industrial revolution. Since the last two century the green house gases increase rapidly and their concentration has been doubled.
A few weeks ago I read that this trend has been stopped in the last monthes, as a consequence of the financial crisis. As you can see the unpleasant crisis has also positive effects. But of course this is only a meaningless short-term trend.

But what are the consequences of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect? The result is global warming.

The hints of global warming, that is caused by the greenhouse effect are already very clear nowadays.
Let us take on the diagram that shows the development of flooding occurences in the last decades. You can see floodings were heavier and the interval shorter in the last two decades. I think everyone can remember the flooding in the summer 2005, that cause damages of more than 3 billions.
Maybe some of you see also positive aspects of this trend, because this gibes more order for our profession.

A further indication that the effects of the anthropogenic green house effect are already visible shows the glacier melt. Since 1850 the glacier volume has been increased more then the half. Different scenarios asumme that the Switzerlande will be ice-free until 2060.

Global Warming has horrible consequences for the entire world and concern every area of our life. For example more and more landscape are unlivable.  Maybe anytime Switzerland will be a desert. Extreme weather pattern like Hurrican, Tornados,
The extinction of many species because of the climate change. Wildfire that destroys hundreds of hectares land. Or because of the ice melting the sea level rise so that several big cities will be underwater. Only a 0.5 m see-level rise would place about 6 millions people at risk from flooding.
As you cann see some of these prophecies are already real today.
Has somebody of you an idea what are the cost of one carbon dioxide emission? The UN estimate the cost at 90 Franks. And when you consider that everyone of is is responsible for around 10 tons CO2 emission every year, you cause cost of 72'000 Franks in you life.

If you want more information about the consequences I suggest to watch the film the day after tomorrow (Einspielen: Or the movie from Al Core, the inconvenient truth

If some of you have still doubt that global warming is real, this picture will refute the last doubts.
The most of you should know this picture, because  another teacher has already presented it.

I'd like to draw your attention to the future and the question how will be the development of this trend in the future.
When you consider the different research reports about the future trend the results have a broad range of variation. This is explaineable with the fact, that is nearly impossible to predict how the earth's will response to this change condition. But in the direction of the trend are the most reasearchers agree. They expect an temperature increase by 2 to 4°C by the end of the 21 st century.

But what does it mean in detail, when the worlds temperature rise by 2, 3, 4 or 6 degree?
Of course this list is incompletely, but this should give you an overview.  As you can see the consequences will be horrible. Therefore it's essential that we take action. The statement of Marc cook: "Noone made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do so little" is definitely true.

The UN report confirm that is worthwhile to take action than wo wait any longer. It's 20 times cheaper to take action than wo wait until the most devastating damages are real.

The doctors diagnose is clear, the eart has severe fever. Under that fever the whole planet will suffer.
Therefore also the doctor advice us to take action, because this is the sole recipe.

Now I will show some example how you can make a contribution to reduce the green house gases emission.
For example by switching off gadgets that you don't need, or switch off the light in unused rooms. Further I suggest to use energy-saving bulb. Take the bicycle for short distance instead the car thereby your health will also be grateful. Further use the public transport system, what is in the most cases more comfortable than the car. But also the governments are challenge to take action to reduce the green house gases. As you have already heard in the English lessons there are a lot of alternative to produce electricity. The keywords call renewable and sustainable.
As you could see it's much easier to make a contribution than the most peopke think. This opinion represent a lot of celebrity people.
What dou you think, would Barack Obama say? (Yes we can)

As already mention the key word call sustainability. This means to use the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
As you know the technical university of Rapperswil has developed a special programm to take into account the different levels like Economical, Ecological and social.

What means to plan sustainable in our profession as civil engeenering and therewith to make a contribution that the scale of greenhouse gases return to balance I will use an example.
A village plans to renovate their village square. They decided for a graniteground.  
They have the choice between to equivalent granite quality. One of them comes from Switzerland and the other from Chinese.
The Granite from Sitzerland costs 55 000 Franks and the Granite from China 53 000. That's a different of 2 000 Franks. Which Granite would you take?
At the first glance the Chinese granite is 2 thousand Franks cheaper. But if you consider all the relevant levels, you recognize that this aren't the real costs. For example the transport of Chinese Granite cause a 20 times higher carbond dioxide emissions than to use the Granite from Switzerland. You see, eventually the Swiss Granite is cheaper.

A survey implemented from the Federal Offic for statistic came to the result that the majority have the opinion that the publicity should do more for the climate protection, even it's cost a lot of money. This sounds confident because the population is awared that it's very important to do something again the global warming.
Additionally different climate protection agreement are concluded. As climate conferences, Kyoto Protocol, Emission Trade, CO2 fee in Switzerland.
But as I follows the G20 summit in September my optimism went back. Although this states are responsible for more than fifty precent of the green house emission, all question turned around the financial crisis. Meanwhile the consequences of the green house effect were hardly adresses. In my opinion the governments put false priority. Undoubtedly the green house effect and global warming is a higher danger for the humankind that this financial crisis, that is a ordinary in the economic cycle. And in contrast to the nature destruction the financial crisis is revocerable. What is the benefit when the economic works excellent but the nature is completely detroyed?

The issue of global warming can't solve alone, but it requires a global cooperation and every person have to contribute to stop this process. Otherwise the worsest scenarios will come faster true faster than we think. (
When you think about your childrend how will you justify why they have to bear consequences for that we are responsible. Defintely the green house effect and global warming are the greatest challenges in the 21 century.

Because the topic is such relevant three of the most famous person have agreed to answer us some questions.
We are live connected with the US president Barack Obama. What is your attitude to global warming and greenhouse effect? It's necessary to act? Tank you very much.
Let's us turn to the former vice president and one of the famous environmentalist Al Gore. How can we solve the problem of global Warming?
Thank's a lot for you statement.

Now I will sum up the most important by showing the complet process
There are greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, which have the ability to trap infrared radiation. The effect is, that the earth is warmed up.
The natural greenhouse effect is essential for our live, otherwise, the whole planet were cover with ice.
But human activities like Carbon dioxide emission disbalance this condition, the consequences are that the planet get hotter and hotter, what is called global warming. The results are extreme weather pattern, rise of sea level, Drought, Flooding, Famine etc.

Thank you Folie 28
I will thank for your attention and I hope you could learn something eabout the  green house effect and global warming.
Does anybody have any questions?

And if you want more information look in the Internet, where you will find millions of articles.

Vielen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Englisch Sätze: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:56 Mo 09.11.2009
Autor: Dinker


Gibt es im Englischen Million in Mehrzahl?

Gruss Dinker

Englisch Sätze: 1000000s?
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:24 Mo 09.11.2009
Autor: Lorli3

Ja und nein: in Verbindung mit Zahlen ist "million" eine Maßeinheit , also: Germany has about 80 million inhabitants:

aber unbestimmt steht Plural: millions of Germans ...


Englisch Sätze: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:30 Mi 11.11.2009
Autor: Lorli3

Dinker, dein Text ist sehr laaaaannnng! Fast 6 Tippseiten!
Wer soll das wann  - und noch dazu freiwillig  - in seiner Freizeit - durchsehen / korrigieren?: es dauert Stunden!,
und  - dann noch: um hier Korrekturen / Änderungen/ Ergänzungen zu kennzeichnen, bedarf es eines großen Zeitaufwandes von "klick"-Vorgängen incl. copy&paste, was mich z.B. "abschreckt" hier einzusteigen,
zerlege das Referat in Teile, stelle einige davon in  andere Foren ein  -warum nicht? Noch haben wir ja die freien Foren-Wahl- ; ich kann mir vorstellen, dass du dann in der von dir vorgegebnen Zeit  deine Antworten hast.


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