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Der Gebrauch von Zeiten: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:11 Do 27.10.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

Setzen Sie die Verben dieser Sätze in die entsprechenden Zeitformen:

a) Last summer we (spend) three weeks in Austria.
- Last summer we spent three weeks in Austria.

b) Next Friday I (go) to the movies.
- Next Friday I will go to the movies.

c) Mrs Carter hopes that she soon (get) a letter from her son who (travel) to New Zealand two weeks ago.
- Mrs Carter hopes that she soon got a letter from her son who traveled to New Zealand two weeks ago.

d) While the passengers (wait) for the train the loudspeaker announced that the train (be) late.
- While the passengers are waiting for the teain the loudspeaker announced that the train has been late.

e) It (rain) all night when we left the boarding house. But on our way home the sun (shining).
- It was  raining all night when we left the boarding house. But on our way home the sun was shining.

f) The bus (leave) at 8.20 p.m. (Es ist jetzt 20 Uhr).
- The bus will leave al 8.20 p.m.

g) When I (walk) through the park I met an old schoolmate.
- When I walked through the park I met an old schoolmate.

h) (see) me left sock? saw me left sock?

i) Chris and Olivia (marry) in a fortnight.
- Chris and Olivia are marrying in a fortnight.

j) My friends (set out) on holiday at seven o' clock tomorrow morning.
- My friends set out on holiday at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

k) Clive is writing his composition; he (finish) it by six o'clock.
- Clive is writing his composition; he finished it by six o'clock.

l)They (speak not) to each other since they (quarrel) last Friday.
- They spoke not to each other since they quarreled last Friday.

m) He (study) Latin for four month.
- He is studing Latin fo fout month.

n) If Bob had met Anne  earlier, he (marry) her.
- If Bob had met Anne earlier, he had married her.

o) I wish I (know) his name.
- I wish I known his name.

p) If you run to the station, you (catch) the train.
- If  you run to the staition you caught th train.

q) Mary would knit a warm pullover if she (have) more leisure hours.
- Mary would knit a warm pullover if she had more leisure hours.

ok so?

lg suzan

Der Gebrauch von Zeiten: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:56 Do 27.10.2005
Autor: Herby

Hi Suzan,

> Hallöchen zusammen,
> Setzen Sie die Verben dieser Sätze in die entsprechenden
> Zeitformen:
> a) Last summer we (spend) three weeks in Austria.
>  - Last summer we spent three weeks in Austria.


> b) Next Friday I (go) to the movies.
>  - Next Friday I will go to the movies.


> c) Mrs Carter hopes that she soon (get) a letter from her
> son who (travel) to New Zealand two weeks ago.
>  - Mrs Carter hopes that she soon got a letter from her son
> who traveled to New Zealand two weeks ago.

... soon gets a letter ... - Gegenwart, sie wartet ja jetzt

> d) While the passengers (wait) for the train the
> loudspeaker announced that the train (be) late.
>  - While the passengers are waiting for the train the
> loudspeaker announced that the train has been late.

.... were waiting (warteten - Vergangenheit) .... und ... would be late

> e) It (rain) all night when we left the boarding house. But
> on our way home the sun (shining).
>  - It was raining all night when we left the boarding
> house. But on our way home the sun was shining.


> f) The bus (leave) at 8.20 p.m. (Es ist jetzt 20 Uhr).
>  - The bus will leave at 8.20 p.m.


> g) When I (walk) through the park I met an old schoolmate.
>  - When I walked through the park I met an old schoolmate.


> h) (see) me left sock?
> saw me left sock?

siehe andere Mitteilung - "see" ist richtig - aber "my" statt "me"!

> i) Chris and Olivia (marry) in a fortnight.
>  - Chris and Olivia are marrying in a fortnight.

... will marry ... - das schau ich aber nochmal nach!

> j) My friends (set out) on holiday at seven o' clock
> tomorrow morning.
>  - My friends set out on holiday at seven o'clock tomorrow
> morning.


> k) Clive is writing his composition; he (finish) it by six
> o'clock.
>  - Clive is writing his composition; he finished it by six
> o'clock.

Er schreibt doch gerade, d.h. er ist noch nicht fertig --> he will be finished

> l)They (speak not) to each other since they (quarrel) last
> Friday.
>  - They spoke not to each other since they quarreled last
> Friday.

They had not spoken to......  (vollendete Vergangenheit zu Vergangenheit)

> m) He (study) Latin for four month.
>  - He is studing Latin for fout month.

He has been studying for four month ("present perfekt" wegen "for")

> n) If Bob had met Anne earlier, he (marry) her.
>  - If Bob had met Anne earlier, he had married her.

If-Satz Typ III - If Bob had met (vollendete Vergangenheit) Anne earlier, he would have married her (conditional II).

> o) I wish I (know) his name.
>  - I wish I known his name.

I wish I would know his name

> p) If you run to the station, you (catch) the train.
>  - If  you run to the staition you caught the train.

If-Satz Typ I - ..... you will catch the train

> q) Mary would knit a warm pullover if she (have) more
> leisure hours.
>  - Mary would knit a warm pullover if she had more leisure
> hours.


> ok so?
> lg suzan

Liebe Grüße

hab mir diesmal echt Mühe gegeben ;-)

Der Gebrauch von Zeiten: kleine Korrekturen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:58 Do 27.10.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo Herby, hallo suzan!

> > c) Mrs Carter hopes that she soon (get) a letter from her
> > son who (travel) to New Zealand two weeks ago.
>  >  - Mrs Carter hopes that she soon got a letter from her
> son
> > who traveled to New Zealand two weeks ago.
>  ... soon gets a letter ... - Gegenwart, sie wartet ja
> jetzt

Grenzfall... sie hat den Brief ja noch nicht, aber das "soon" impliziert eine nahe Zukunft, so dass man noch die Gegenwart nehmne kann...

> > g) When I (walk) through the park I met an old schoolmate.
>  >  - When I walked through the park I met an old
> schoolmate.

Der Sprecher läuft ja eine Weile (Hintergrundhandlung), das wird mit dem Continuous ausgedrückt, also: When I was walking through...

> > h) (see) me left sock?
>  > saw me left sock?
>  siehe andere Mitteilung - "see" ist richtig - aber "my"
> statt "me"!

Hm, die Zeit stimmt zwar, aber nicht die Bildung! Es handelt sich hier um eine Frage, und die stellt man immer mit Hilfsverb! Also "Did you see my left sock" (Deswegen ja auch die Punkte vorn, nehm ich mal an...)

> > i) Chris and Olivia (marry) in a fortnight.
>  >  - Chris and Olivia are marrying in a fortnight.
>  ... will marry ... - das schau ich aber nochmal nach!

Eher "are going to marry" denn das ist ja ein Plan...

> > j) My friends (set out) on holiday at seven o' clock
> > tomorrow morning.
>  >  - My friends set out on holiday at seven o'clock
> tomorrow
> > morning.

Sie fahren morgen früh also in der Zukunft, und das ganze ist auch ein Plan, also "are going to set out"

> > k) Clive is writing his composition; he (finish) it by six
> > o'clock.
>  >  - Clive is writing his composition; he finished it by
> six
> > o'clock.
>  Er schreibt doch gerade, d.h. er ist noch nicht fertig -->

> he will be finished

Hoffentlich nicht! ("Er wird erledigt..." ;-)) "he will have finished"

> > l)They (speak not) to each other since they (quarrel) last
> > Friday.
>  >  - They spoke not to each other since they quarreled
> last
> > Friday.
>  They had not spoken to......  (vollendete Vergangenheit zu
> Vergangenheit)

Ne, nich ganz... sie haben sich ja letzten Freitag gestritten und bis jetzt nicht miteinander gesprochen. Also andauernde Vergangenheit: "they have not spoken"

> > n) If Bob had met Anne earlier, he (marry) her.
>  >  - If Bob had met Anne earlier, he had married her.
>  If-Satz Typ III - If Bob had met (vollendete
> Vergangenheit) Anne earlier, he would have married her
> (conditional II).

Sehr schön! ;-)

> > o) I wish I (know) his name.
>  >  - I wish I known his name.
>  I wish I would know his name

I wish I knew his name.

>  hab mir diesmal echt Mühe gegeben ;-)

[daumenhoch] Diesmal lass ichs dafür auch grün :-)

Gruß taura

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