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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Correction
Correction < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Correction: Frage (reagiert)
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 12:22 Mo 27.04.2009
Autor: Dinker

Wäre echt dankbar um Korrektur

This topic you can also see distinct between the conflict of the United State and Iran, also North Korea. The United State suspects both countries to misuse the atomic technology to building atomic bombs.

The government has abused Ford’s concept which is designed for goods to transferred to people.

I think the main point you should question is, if the prize to reach this stability is justified, or if the sacrifice to achieve this state is too high.  

It’s interesting to cast a glance of Man’s Cycle in the Brave new world.
They are industrial production and manipulation of embryos. Their childhood is characterized by psychologically conditioned to achieve the State stability. Later they work and enjoy superficial mass media without anytime feel deep feelings or emotions. Later they dies without pain and replace by a new embryo.


In BNW they have “hypnopedia”. Important values are repeated numerous time until it becomes a part of their thought patterns. For example, “ending is better than mending”. The aim is to limit and control their thought.

Danke Gruss Dinker

Correction: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:37 Mo 27.04.2009
Autor: leduart

Hallo Dinker
Lies die Saetze noch mal selbst durch, und uebesetz sie zurueck, als ob du sie neu laesest.
Da sind zu viele Fehler.
Bsp. to steht mit Infinitiv, also sicher falsch
to transferred
to building
was soll "see distinct" bedeuten?

"They are industrial production" wer ist they?
Sie sind industrielle Produktion???
Es gibt zu word  open office und anderen Schreibprogrammen einen Grammatikchecker, den solltest du zuerst benutzen!
Gruss leduart

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