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Communication and the Media: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:31 So 10.01.2021
Autor: cheezy

Hallo liebes Forum,
da ich im Juni meine Englisch-Matura habe auf B2 Niveau,bitte ich jemanden, der mir meine Antworten zu diesen Fragen Korrektur lesen könnte.

Ich wäre sehr dankbar für diese Person.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

What are the positive and negative aspects of mobile apps?

The advantage is that you get push notifications when you have installed various apps. Then it is not necessary to check twice a day your email account for incoming emails. It is also not necessary to open the browser and looking for new weather alerts because you will get automatically the notification. If you use an app it is faster and more comfortable than a web browser. The main reason is that in the smartphone there is only one step to open your app and in a web browser on your pc you have to do several actions.
The negative aspects is that your privacy is endangered because when a app is installed on your smartphone then these companies have your personal data. The danger is you don’t know what will be happen with your data and maybe it could be sell to other companies and maybe they can contact you for advertisement.

According to your opinion, which are the Top Ten Apps that are currently on the market?
1.) Whatsapp
2.) Instagram
3.) Weather
4.) Facebook
5.) Tank-Meister
6.) Tom Tom
7.) ORF. News
8.) Tinder
9.) George
10.) Mail

Which apps do you have on your mobile phone? How often and what do you use them for?

I have the TomTom Go app and Instagram app on my phone. I use it almost every day when I want to drive to work or home. The TomTom is for me very useful because it makes my life easier because it shows me all the radar warning receiver and all the traffic jams. It shows me also the car accidents and it is a good warning device.
I also use Instagram  to follow the life of the Footballers every day and I can be up to date. It is a good device to be a part of the people´s live for a short time.

How much are you willing to pay for an app?
The performance is for me important, but not the price. I will pay maximum 20 euro.

What do you personally think about the following apps?
I personally think ClosetSwap is a good app to protect our endangered environment because cloths will not be thrown away. There is a possibility these clothes can be swaped by friends. It is not necesseray to buy expensive new clothes monthly and our environment can be protected. Money can also be saved.

Around Me is also a useful app because when you travel somewhere on an unknown place it can help you a lot to find the unknown places such as restaurant, hotels and many more.

Communication and the Media: Some comments
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:56 So 10.01.2021
Autor: Infinit

Hallo cheezy,
Kommentare und Verbesserungen wieder in eckigen Klammern.
Viele Grüße,

> Hallo liebes Forum,
>  da ich im Juni meine Englisch-Matura habe auf B2
> Niveau,bitte ich jemanden, der mir meine Antworten zu
> diesen Fragen Korrektur lesen könnte.
> Ich wäre sehr dankbar für diese Person.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>  What are the positive and negative aspects of mobile
> apps?
> The advantage is that you [can] get push notifications when you
> have installed various apps. Then it is not necessary to
> check twice a day your email account for incoming emails.
> It is also not necessary to open the browser and looking [for looking for oder to look for]
> for new weather alerts because you will get automatically
> the notification. If you use an app it is faster and more
> comfortable than a web browser. The main reason is that in
> the smartphone there is only one step to open your app and
> in a web browser on your pc you have to do several actions.
> The negative aspects [aspect] is that your privacy is endangered
> because when a[n] app is installed on your smartphone then
> these companies have [access to] your personal data. The danger is you
> don’t know what will be [delete: be] happen with your data and maybe
> it could be sell [sold] to other companies and maybe they can
> contact you for advertisement[s].
> According to your opinion, which are the Top Ten Apps that
> are currently on the market?
>  1.) Whatsapp
>  2.) Instagram
>  3.) Weather
>  4.) Facebook
>  5.) Tank-Meister
>  6.) Tom Tom
>  7.) ORF. News
>  8.) Tinder
>  9.) George
>  10.) Mail
> Which apps do you have on your mobile phone? How often and
> what do you use them for?
> I have the TomTom Go app and Instagram app on my phone. I
> use it almost every day when I want to drive to work or
> home. The TomTom is for me very useful because it makes my
> life easier because it shows me all the radar warning
> receiver and all the traffic jams. It shows me also the car
> accidents and it is a good warning device.
> I also use Instagram  to follow the life of the Footballers
> every day and I can be up to date. It is a good device to
> be a part of the people´s live for a short time.
> How much are you willing to pay for an app?
>  The performance is for me important, but not the price. I [am willing to pay a maximum of 20 euros]
> will pay [a] maximum  20 euro.
> What do you personally think about the following apps?
>  I personally think ClosetSwap is a good app to protect our
> endangered environment because cloths will not be thrown
> away. There is a possibility these clothes can be swaped [I guess "swapped" is meant here] by
> friends. It is not necesseray [necessary] to buy expensive new clothes
> monthly and our environment can be protected. Money can
> also be saved.
> Around Me is also a useful app because when you travel
> somewhere on an unknown place it can help you a lot to find
> the unknown places such as restaurant, hotels and many
> more.

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