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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Cartoon interpretieren
Cartoon interpretieren < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Cartoon interpretieren: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:50 Do 04.03.2010
Autor: Nadine__

Kann mir jemand meinen Text korrekturlesen?

The cartoon „The importance of tea“ present the British character and the importance of the tea.

At first sight the cartoon ist funny, because the people sitting on the floor and have tea-time even though it is raining.

The first impression of the cartoon is confused. Why do people carry a picnic even though it is rains and storms?

In the foreground you can see two women and two men. The two women and on of the man wearing coats. The other man took off his coat. One of the woman holding the coat in the wind. The people wear traditional British clothing with checkered pattern. The rear man holding an umbrella over the ceiling and the other man ignites the fire under the teapott.
In the background you can trees who are sloping from the wind. Leaves fall from trees. On the floor are puddles.

Under the cartoon is a subtitle which says „The British charcter, importance of tea“. Because of this you can see that the cartoon represents the British charcter and the importance of the tea to the British people. Many people know that the British drink lots of tea and keep a regulat tea-time. In the cartoon the people make tea-time even thoug it is rains and storms. The cartoonist wants to show us, that the tea is very important for the British and that they comply in every situation her tea-time. In addition, it may be concluded from the cartoon, that the British people very consistent.

In my point of view the cartoon is exaggerates a lot. I think that tea is very important fort he British people, but the would not make a tea-time at a bad weather and not by every situation.

Cartoon interpretieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:07 Do 04.03.2010
Autor: metalschulze

Hallo Nadine, ich geb mal mein bestes...

> The cartoon „The importance of tea“ presents the British
> character and the importance of the tea.
> At first sight the cartoon ist funny, because the people are
> sitting on the floor and have tea-time even though it is
> raining.
> The first impression of the cartoon is confused. Why do
> people carry a picnic even though it is rains and storms?

Entweder it rains and storms oder aber it is raining and storming...

> In the foreground you can see two women and two men. The
> two women and one of the man are oder were >wearing coats. The other man
> took off his coat. One of the woman is holding the coat in the
> wind. The people wear traditional British clothing with
> checkered pattern.

Vielleicht besser ...people are wearing.....(Verlaufsform weil sie es ja in dem Moment den du beschreibst tragen)

> The rear man is holding an umbrella over
> the ceiling and the other man ignites the fire under the
> teapott.

Auch wieder igniting the fire.....

>  In the background you can see ? trees who

>which oder aber that are sloping from the

> wind.

sloping würde ich in den Zusammenhang nicht nehmen, das heisst eher abschüssig (geneigte Ebene). besser the trees are bent (gebogen) by the wind.

> Leaves fall from trees. On the floor are puddles.

Leaves are falling...

> Under the cartoon there is a subtitle which says „The British
> character, importance of tea“. Because of this you can see
> that the cartoon represents the British character and the
> importance of the tea to the British people. Many people
> know that the British drink a lots of tea and keep a >regulatr
> tea-time. In the cartoon the people make have >tea-time even
> thoug (it is rains and storms) siehe oben!!. >The cartoonist wants to show
> us, that the tea is very important for to the >British and that
> they comply in every situation her tea-time.

Hä? Sie geben ihrer Tee-Zeit nach? Du meinst ja sicherlich sie lassen sich nicht von ihrer tea-time abbringen? ...nothing can prevent [them] to have tea oder so ähnlich

> In addition,
> it may be concluded from the cartoon, that the British
> people are very consistent.
> In my point of view the cartoon is exaggerates a lot.

Entweder   ....cartoon exaggerates a lot. oder ....cartoon is exaggerating...

> think that tea is very important fort the British people,
> but they would not make a have tea-time >at a in bad weather and not
> by in every situation.

So ich hoffe das war alles.
Gruß Christian

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