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Bitte um Korrektur!: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:34 Mi 09.03.2011
Autor: zitrone


Ich musste etwas zusammenfassen und dieses dann ins Englische Übersetzten. Leider bin ich nicht besonders gut darin und mache häufig Fehler. Wollte daher fragen ob bitte jemand Korrekturlesen könnte???

The North Ireland conflict began already in early days: In the 12th century English ships landed on the Irish mainland and occupied the coast. This piece of Ireland was completely liable by Heinrich VIII and he became the first king of Ireland. By reason that Heinrich was a Protestant he tried to expand the Protestantism. In addition Elizabeth I. also wanted that the people on Ireland accept the Anglican constitution. Because of this the Irish people began to rebel. But the king put down bloody the rebellion. Even so Heinrich didn’t achieve that the people there took the Protestantism. Still there were a large number of people which kept the Catholicism, even if they had to keep it a secret.
In Ireland the people rebelled often but never with a success. After the nobility fled from Ulster, King James I settled 100.000 Scots so that the Protestants were in majority and the Irish became the tenant of the Protestant landlords.
Because of this humiliation there were again uproars. In addition because of the starvation among the Catholics many of them emigrate. Also uproars in the 17th century could not harm the British lordship. The Protestants enjoyed still privileges.
Only with the beginning of the World War I the situation in North Ireland changed. Parallel with the fight against Germany England had to send soldiers to Ireland to stop an Irish revolution. In the year 1919 the underground parliament in Dublin proclaim Ireland a republic. After a bloody fight the English parliament become aware of the fact that they could not anymore keep Ireland as a part of Great Britain. In 1922 they created an Irish state.
But this was not the end of the Irish- English conflict.

lg zitrone

Bitte um Korrektur!: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:23 Do 10.03.2011
Autor: rainerS


Ein paar Kleinigkeiten vorneweg: es heisst im Englischen "Northern Ireland", nicht "North Ireland", und der gute heinrich heisst Henry VIII.

> The Northern Ireland conflict began already in early days: In
> the 12th century English ships landed on the Irish mainland
> and occupied the coast. This piece of Ireland was
> completely liableconquered by HeinrichHenry VIII, and he became the first
> king of Ireland.

> By reason that Heinrich was a Protestant
> he tried to expand the Protestantism.

Das würde ich so nicht formulieren.  Praktisch war zu dieser Zeit die Church of England wie die Katholische Kirche, aber mit dem König statt dem Papst als Oberhaupt.  

Wie erobert ein König ein fremdes Land? Indem er seine eigenen Leute dort als Landbesitzer installiert. So haben es die Normannen im 11. Jahrhundert in England auch gemacht.

> In addition Elizabeth
> I. also wanted that the people on Ireland accept the
> Anglican constitution. Because of this the Irish people
> began to rebel.

Und auch deswegen, weil sie von Ihrem Land vertrieben wurden.

> But the king put down bloody the rebellion.

Welcher König? James? Eben schriebst du noch von Heinrichs Tochter Elisabeth.

> Even so HeinrichHenry didn’t achieve that the people there
> took theconverted to Protestantism.

Doch wieder Henry VIII???

> Still there were a large number of
> people which kept the Catholicism, even if they had to keep
> it a secret.
>  In Ireland the people rebelled often but never with a
> success. After the nobility fled from Ulster, King James I
> settled 100.000 Scots so that the Protestants were in
> majority and the Irish became the tenants of the Protestant
> landlords.

Dsa ist der entscheidende Punkt: es ging nicht um Religion, sondern um Vorherrschaft.

> Because of this humiliation there were again uproars. In
> addition because of the starvation among the Catholics many Catholics emigrated,

because of the famine.

> of them emigrate.

Wirfst du das hier nicht durcheinander mit den Hungersnöten im 18. und 19. Jhd?

> Also uproars in the 17th century could
> not harm the British lordshipsupremacy. The Protestants still enjoyed
> still privileges.
>  Only with the beginning of the World War I the situation
> in North Ireland changed. In Parallel with the fight against
> Germany England had to send soldiers to Ireland to stop an
> Irish revolution. In the year 1919 the underground
> parliament in Dublin proclaimed Ireland a republic. After a
> bloody fight the English parliament realizedbecome aware of the
> fact that they could not anymore keep Ireland as a part of
> Great Britain any longer. In 1922 they created an Irish state.

Wer ist hier "they"?

Besser: in 1922 the Irish Free State was created. Northern Ireland stayed with the United Kingdom.

> But this was not the end of the Irish- English conflict.

Viele Grüße

Bitte um Korrektur!: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:05 So 13.03.2011
Autor: zitrone

Hallo rainer!

Vieelen Dank für die Korrektur!!!!:DDD
Ich werde mich noch mal dransetzen und die letzten Unebenheiten ausbessern.

LG zitrone

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