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Bitte Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:04 Mo 08.06.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrekturlesen

The novel involves a lot of topics (like) policy system, social structure, genetic reproduction of human being, leisure activities, drug and leisure industry and (theirs weiss ich nicht) negative influence (to) society.
At the centre of the plot stands the conflict between individual and society. This conflict ends mostly in favour of the system at the cost of humanity and individuality.
Brave new World is governed from a world control council, that consists of ten members. Mustapha Mond has this function for West Europe and he proves on the basis of his appearance that he likes his job and doesn’t hesitate to exile people who has an other opinion.

In both novels stand the conflict between the society and individual at the centre.
This conflict is also up to date today. The society wishes that the state ensure a high security level. In contrast to that the individual claims the right of independence and acts in (his) own interest. Or the individual want commands about (his) own money. But the society demand taxations and the principle of solidarity.
When the Swiss federal state was set up in 1848, the state had less competence on behalf of the liberalism. But in the meantime has changes this attitude, so that state competence are built out to a typical welfare state

Gruss Dinker

Bitte Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:19 Mo 08.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex

> Hallo
> Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrekturlesen


The novel involves a lot of topics (like) policy system(Was meinst du damit?), social structure, genetic reproduction of human being, leisure activities, drug and leisure industry and its(theirs weiss ich nicht) negative influence (to( the society.
At tThe centre of the plot standsis the conflict between the individual and the society. This conflict ends mostly in favour of the system at the cost of humanity and individuality.(Überdenke diesen Satz mal komplett, das ist Denglisch, also deutscher Satzbau)

Brave new World is governed from a world control council, that consists of ten members. Mustapha Mond has this function for West Europe and he proves on the basis of his appearance that he likes his job and doesn’t hesitate to exile people, who has an other opinion.

In both novels stand the conflict between the society and individual at the centre.(Auch Denglisch)  This conflict is also up to date today. The society wishes that the state ensure a high security level. In contrast to that, the individual claims the right of independence and acts in (his) own interest. Or the individual want commands about (his) own money.(Denglisch) But the society demand taxations and the principle of solidaritysolidarity principle. When the Swiss federal state was set up(Meinst du gegründet? Dann nimm founded) in 1848, the state had less competence on behalf(Im Namen? Das passt nicht) of the liberalism. But in the
meantime has changes this attitude, so that state competence are built out to a typical welfare state.

> Danke
>  Gruss Dinker

Du musst auf jeden Fall den Satzbau im Englischen beachten, der sich z.T deutlich vom deutschen Satzbau unterscheidet.


Bitte Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:25 Mi 10.06.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wenn ich es ja wüsste, würde ich gerne Englisch schreiben.............

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