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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Big or small city
Big or small city < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Big or small city: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:51 So 16.01.2011
Autor: Summer1990

would you like to live in a big city or a small town?

I grew up in a small village in Germany. If I had the choice between a big city or a small town, I would choose a big city. There are several reasons for my choice:

In my opinion, big cities give more possibilities and to live there makes life much easier.
First of all it's to mention that you can profit by the offers of variety of goods: There are a lot of shops and groceries and so you don't have to drive too far to get there. Besides the local traffic is more developed in big cities. You don't necessarily need your own car there.
Furthermore big cities afford more cultural offerings. You can find museums, theathers, libraries etc in every big city so you never get bored. In the majority of cases there are also better schools and in almost every big city you can find an university.
There is no doubt that it is easier to find work and even more it's easier to socialising because of the higher density of population.

In conclusion I think that the advantages prevail over a small town and that's why I'd like to live in a big city.

Big or small city: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:19 So 16.01.2011
Autor: ViviB

I grew up in a small village in Germany. If I had the choice between a big city or a small town, I would choose a big city. There are several reasons for my choice:

Bis hier finde ich das ganze sehr schön formuliert.

In my opinion, big cities give more possibilities and to live there makes life much easier.

Hier würde ich eine kleine Änderung vorschlagen. Um es etwas detailierter zu gestalten würde ich schon hier schreiben, was genau für Möglichkeiten es gibt.
Mein Vorschlag (natürlich änderbar, wenn er nicht auf deine Meinung zutrifft oder dir nicht gefällt)
"In my opinion life is much easier in a big city because there are so many different possibilities, which are advantageous.

First of all it's to mention that you can profit by the offers of variety of goods: There are a lot of shops and groceries and so you don't have to drive too far to get there. Besides the local traffic is more developed in big cities. You don't necessarily need your own car there.

Hier ginge auch " Because of the more developed local traffic in a big city it isn´t necessary to own a car (oder "to drive by your own car")

Furthermore big cities afford more cultural offerings. You can find museums, theathers, libraries etc in "nearly" (hört sich besser an)
every big city so you never get bored. In the majority of cases there are <-> also (gehört meiner Meinung nach getauscht " there also are") better schools and in almost every big city you can find an university.
There is no doubt that it is easier to find work ("to find a job" passt eher) and even more it's easier to socialising because of the higher density of population.

In conclusion I think that the advantages prevail over a small town and that's why I'd like to live in a big city.

Also ich bin zwar keine Lehrerin in Englisch aber ich glaube, dass sich sonst alles gut anhört.
Habe einfach mal mein bestes versucht, den Text sprachlich ein wenig aufzubessern.
Ich bin mir eigentlich ziemlich sicher. Falls ich etwas vergessen haben sollte oder sich doch ein paar kleine Fehler eingeschlichen haben sollten tut mir das leid.... sollte aber eigentlich nicht sein.

Hier der Textvorschlag (mit den Verbesserungen):
I grew up in a small village in Germany. If I had the choice between a big city or a small town, I would choose a big city. There are several reasons for my choice:
In my opinion life is much easier in a big city because there are so many different possibilities, which are advantageous.
First of all it's to mention that you can profit by the offers of variety of goods: There are a lot of shops and groceries and so you don't have to drive too far to get there.
Hier ginge auch " Because of the more developed local traffic in a big city it isn´t necessary to own a car.
Furthermore big cities afford more cultural offerings. You can find museums, theathers, libraries etc in nearly
every big city so you never get bored. In the majority of cases there there also are better schools and in almost every big city you can find an university.
There is no doubt that it is easier to find to find a job  and even more it's easier to socialising because of the higher density of population.

In conclusion I think that the advantages prevail over a small town and that's why I'd like to live in a big city.

Bei Fragen kannst du dich ja gerne nochmal melden.

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