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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - About a boy
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About a boy: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:23 So 24.02.2008
Autor: LaBella

Hat jemand vl kurz zeit um das zu korrigieren?
glg und danke

About a boy is the story about the twelve years old Marcus who is having many problems at school and also at home. His parents are divorced and he lives togheter with his mother Fiona in London.
At school he has no friends and is considered as an outsider. All kids laugh at him because his clothes which his mother chose for him  are out of fashion, his haircut is babyish and his behavior is sometimes very strange. He sings for example sometimes loud in his classroom without realising it.

The second main character of the book is a thirty-six years old guy , called Will Freeman who behaves more like a child than a grown-up.
Will is single and never had a job in his life, because he has enough money from his father.
So he´s spendig his days with reading, watching a lot of TV or listening to music.
To try to meet some women he joins one day a single parents group called “SPAT” while pretending he has a son.  There he meets Marcus depressive mother and a few days later he get to know Marcus.
One day they met again in a park where Will defends Marcus who accidentally killed a duck by thrwoing a loaf of bread at it.
At the same day Marcus mother tries to kill herself. She´s brought to hospital and recovers but since this Marcus is afraid that his mother dies and he is alone.
So he starts visiting Will at his home regulary and they become friends. Will tries to save Marcus from bullies at school and gives him advice to be more trendy. Marcus cuts his hair and wears other clothers.
Later on, Marcus becomes friends with a rough girl from his school called Ellie who is a fan of Kurt Cobain.
During the same time  Will finds a new girlfriend, who assumes Marcus is his son. Will tries to persuade Marcus to pretend he is but a few weeks later he says the truth.
When Ellie hears that her favourite singer has killed himself she feels very miserable and Marcus tries to help her in her sadness.
In the end Marcus has enough friends and becomes a “normal” kids for his age. Will in the end is more like an adult and he wants to marry Rachel. So both of them have started to behave according to their age.

About a boy: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:41 So 24.02.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


> "About a boy" is the story about the twelve years old Marcus
> who is having many problems at school and also at home. His
> parents are divorced and he lives togheter with his mother
> Fiona in London.
> At school he has no friends and is considered as an
> outsider. All kids laugh at him because his clothes which
> his mother choose for him  are out of fashion, his haircut
> is babyish and his behavior is sometimes very strange. He
> sings for example sometimes loud in his classroom without
> realizing it.
> The second main character of the book is a thirty-six years
> old guy , called Will Freeman who behaves more like a child
> than a grown-up.
> Will is single and never has a job in his life, because he
> has enough money from his father.
> So he´s spending his days with reading, watching a lot of TV
> or listening to music.
> To try to meet some women he joins one day a single parents
> group called “SPAT” while pretending he has a son.  There
> he meets Marcus depressive mother and a few days later he
> get to know Marcus.
>  One day they meet again in a park where Will defends Marcus
> who accidentally killed a duck by thrwoing a loaf of bread
> at it.
> At the same day Marcus mother tries to kill herself. She´s
> brought to hospital and recovers ? was meinst du damit. das es ihrwieder gut geht? but since this Marcus is
> afraid that his mother dies and he is alone.
> So he starts visiting Will at his home regulary and they
> become friends. Will tries to save Marcus from bullies at
> school and gives him advice to be more trendy. Marcus cuts
> his hair and wears other clothers.
> Later on, Marcus an Will becomes friends with a rough girl from his
> school called Ellie who is a fan of Kurt Cobain.
> During the same time  Will finds a new girlfriend, who
> assumes Marcus is his son. Will tries to persuade Marcus to
> pretend the fact of beeing her son but a few weeks later he says the truth.
> When Ellie hears that her favourite singer has killed
> himself she feels very miserable and Marcus tries to help
> her in her sadness.
> In the end Marcus has enough friends and becomes a “normal”
> kids for his age. At the end, Will is more like an adult and
> he wants to marry Rachel. So both of them have started to
> behave according to their age.

[cap] Gruß


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